R.J. “Jeff” Caswell remembered for kindness, dedication to students

Former associate dean left mark on MHA community

Jeff Caswell stands in an office holding a diploma

With the loss of Associate Professor Emeritus R.J. “Jeff” Caswell in May came an outpouring of memories about his impact, warmth and contributions to the college and university.

“Jeff was a beloved member of the MHA and Health Services Management and Policy community, and his legacy within our college is enormous,” said HSMP Chair Aram Dobalian. 

Caswell served as associate dean when he retired from the college in 2008 after 38 years as a faculty member at Ohio State and was an expert in health economics, especially the structure and performance of firms and markets in health care. 

Caswell’s teaching centered on the economics of health and medical care as well as applied ethics in health care management and public health. For many years he was also responsible for components of the medical student curriculum focusing on health care organization and finance. Caswell’s research encompassed a variety of areas, including Medicaid managed care implementation, nursing home costs, hospital capacity utilization and graduate medical education.

Read memories shared by Caswell’s friends, colleagues and students.


About The Ohio State University College of Public Health

The Ohio State University College of Public Health is a leader in educating students, creating new knowledge through research, and improving the livelihoods and well-being of people in Ohio and beyond. The College's divisions include biostatistics, environmental health sciences, epidemiology, health behavior and health promotion, and health services management and policy. It is ranked 29th among all colleges and programs of public health in the nation, and first in Ohio, by U.S. News and World Report. Its specialty programs are also considered among the best in the country. The MHA program is ranked 8th, the biostatistics specialty is ranked 22nd, the epidemiology specialty is ranked 25th and the health policy and management specialty is ranked 17th.