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Dean's Note
Our Alumni
Our Students
Teaching and Learning
Outreach and Advocacy
Growing our potential
Honors and accolades
Our Students
When practicums aren’t practical — gaining field experience during COVID-19
How public health students, staff have navigated challenging job landscape
Outreach and Advocacy
‘Boots on the ground’
Public Health faculty, students vital to COVID-19 response
Our Alumni
Veterinary public health alumni support COVID-19 response
MPH-VPH graduates provide unique perspective on coronavirus pandemic
Our Students
Student’s award-winning documentary addresses Ohio’s Black infant mortality crisis
Barento Taha’s ‘Risk Factor’ examines racism’s role
Outreach and Advocacy
New research-based tools to help Ohioans at higher COVID-19 risk
Community input key to guide for advocates, state leaders and more
‘Opioid treatment deserts’ abound, study finds
Distance to recovery services could keep many from getting care
Outreach and Advocacy
Public health faculty, staff create COVID-19 surveillance tool for schools
Central Ohio K-12 schools using Ohio State system
Honors and accolades
Michael Bisesi receives President and Provost’s Award for Distinguished Faculty Service
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Academic Administration honored in virtual visit
Vaping could nearly triple the chance of smoking in teens
Study used more robust approach to provide evidence of link
Honors and accolades
Bill Miller receives national Achievement Award
Faculty member honored by American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association
Teaching and Learning
MPH Program for Experienced Professionals now 100% online
College now offering fully online Master of Public Health degree
Growing our potential
Trio of scholarships support diversity, access
Funds honor Amy Acton, Ruth Ella Moore and Anna and Calvin Hood.
Honors and accolades
College honors 2020 Public Health Champions
Ohio public health leaders recognized by Ohio State
Our Alumni
From criminal justice to social justice: Alumna on a mission to help others
Professionally and personally, Naomi Adaniya is improving lives through public service
Teaching and Learning
Student contact tracers reflect on job’s challenges, rewards
Public health students integral to slowing spread of COVID-19
Dean's Note
A note from Dean Fairchild
$5 million project aims to improve e-cigarette testing
Proposed smoking machine adaptor could ease regulatory challenges
Growing our potential
The College of Public Health, by the numbers
One in 10 Ohio women thought abortion illegal amid attempts to ban at 6 weeks
Confusion further blocks access to reproductive health care, researchers say
Honors and accolades
OSU Engages: Celebrating Engaged Scholarship at Ohio State
Ohio State recognized its 2021 Outreach and Engagement Award Recipients
Our Students
Teaching and Learning
Growing our potential
Student drive, donor support empower health care case competition
All-virtual this time, contest in its 10th year
Our Alumni
Honors and accolades
Public Health alums honored for leadership during pandemic, work in diversity and inclusion
Cancer survivors face elevated heart disease risk, study finds
Risk likely underrecognized, researchers say
Looking for a COVID-19 early warning
Public health professor’s lab monitoring campus, state wastewater
Honors and accolades
Elizabeth Klein Awarded Fulbright Distinguished Chair Award
Growing our potential
Racial justice grants fund two new public health projects
Research to examine crisis response, daily stress in queer people of color
Our Students
Public Health Buckeyes: Emmanuela Aboagye-Mensah
Passion for disease investigation flourishing at Ohio State
Teaching and Learning
Foresight, teamwork and long hours helped Public Health flip the switch
In the span of just a few weeks, everything seems to have changed because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Everything, that is, except the drive of the Ohio State community to fulfill its academic mission. These stories of resolve show the unique resilience of Buckeyes in the face of unprecedented challenges.
Insurance isn’t enough for women at high risk of breast cancer
Financial obstacles create barriers for many women
Our Students
Public Health Buckeyes: Jimmy Nash
First-year MPH student Jimmy Nash is immersed in research and community outreach about HIV care disparities.
Honors and accolades
Andridge named American Statistical Association fellow
Biostats professor Ohio State’s only 2020 award winner
Outreach and Advocacy
Advocacy, public health go hand-in-hand
Students bring their voices to policy conversations
Our Students
Public Health Buckeyes: Dena Hussain
Third-year BSPH student finds place in public health
Honors and accolades
College announces 2020 Excellence in Teaching, Employee of the Year awards
Professor Ashley Felix, staff member Todd Thobe honored at virtual staff retreat
Outreach and Advocacy
Want evidence of systemic racism? Look to public health
Dean's Message
Mission, Vision and Values
Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Excellence
Strategic Plan
Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs
Office of Academic Programs and Student Services
Divisions and Centers
Environmental Health Sciences
Health Behavior and Health Promotion
Health Services Management and Policy
Health Outcomes and Policy Evaluation Studies
Center for Public Health Practice
Future Students
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Information Sessions
Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs
BSPH + MPH in 5 years
Dual/Combined Degrees
Minors/ Specializations/ Certificates
Bachelor of Science in Public Health
Master of Public Health
Master of Health Administration
Master of Science
Doctor of Philosophy
Student Forms and Resources
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Student Organizations
Graduate Students
Advising and Student Services
CPH Graduate Student Handbook
Curriculum Guides
MPH Applied Practice Experience
MPH Integrative Learning Experience
Undergraduate Students
Advising and Student Services
CPH Undergraduate Student Handbook
BSPH + MPH in 5 years
Curriculum Guides
Internships and Research
Education Abroad
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Public Health Career Paths
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News and Events
Dean’s Thought Leader Series
Public Health Buckeyes
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