Graduate Student Handbook

6.3 The Administrative Residency

Each MHA student is required to satisfy a practice placement requirement, which is ordinarily accomplished through a summer administrative residency placement during the summer between the first and second academic years upon successful completion of coursework in the first academic year.  Although MHA students are not enrolled for course credit during the residency placement, they are expected to meet the same minimum time allocation as MPH students (120 hours); in practice the time spent is usually considerably more. The student is not registered during the residency period both as an economy measure for the student and because the specific content is established by the residency program rather than the academic program.

MHA students who are working as health care professionals during the time they are in the program may petition to substitute practice activities that are different from their regular work duties for the administrative residency. However, even students who have substantial health care experience benefit from the opportunity to observe and practice management under the guidance of a preceptor, without the pressure of a regular employment relationship and with the clear expectation that the residency will be tailored to fit individual backgrounds and interests. The detailed policies governing the residency are found in Guidelines for the Residency Program.


 Non-Ohio Summer Residencies

Out-of-state students who wish to leave the state of Ohio for the administrative residency and not jeopardize their eligibility to apply for Ohio residency for the upcoming school year, must submit an Approval Form for Non-Ohio Internships form which is available through the University Registrar's website section titled, "Ohio Residency for Tuition Purposes". If approved, students must maintain their residence in Ohio and pay their own expenses while living out of state for the administrative residency.