Graduate Student Handbook

2.4 Administrative Structure of the College of Public Health

A complete description of the administration of the College of Public Health can be found the Pattern of Administration document for the College, available in the office of the Dean and in each division office. The material below is a summary of only the most relevant portions for a graduate student.

General Administrative Structure of the College of Public Health

The general administrative line of authority (as opposed to the governance of graduate study, which is explained in Sections 2.1-2.3), flows from the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost to the Dean of the College of Public Health.

The Dean has general administrative responsibility for the College. There is one Vice Dean, three Associate Deans, and two Assistant Deans:

  • Vice Dean, Academic Affairs & Academic Administration (Michael Bisesi, PhD)
  • Associate Dean of Graduate Studies (Aram Dobalian, PhD, JD)
  • Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Assessment (Gail Kaye, PhD)
  • Associate Dean of Research (Maria Gallo, PhD)
  • Assistant Dean for Strategic Initiatives (Jennifer Beard, MSW)
  • Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration (Andrea Garringer, MSL, MBA)

A Chair appointed by the Dean heads each Division. Although the Dean, Vice Dean, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, and Division Chairpersons have executive authority, the primary responsibility for policy decisions rests with the faculty of the CPH.

College Committees

In addition to the ASGC described above, the College has additional committees to conduct business of the college. The College Committee list can be found on the CPH website.