Seth Adarkwah Yiadom, a 4th year doctoral candidate, won the student competition for his paper on "Proxy Pattern-Mixture Model as a Selection Model to Assist with Sensitivity Analysis."

Adarkwah Yiadom was one of five winners of the American Statistical Association Student Paper Competition, for his research paper "Proxy Pattern-Mixture Model as a Selection Model to Assist with Sensitivity Analysis." His research interests encompass survey design, analysis of missing data and clinical trials. His advisor is Rebecca Andridge.
The competition encompasses many different statistical sections such as research methods, government statistics and social statistics. This competition highlights the talents of statistical students ranging from undergraduate to PhD.
As a winner, Adarkwah Yiadom receives a stipend to attend the Joint Statistical Meetings in Nashville, Tennessee this August. There he will present his research and be highlighted in the association's government statistics, social statistics and survey research methods business meetings at the event.