
Bo Lu, professor, division of biostatistics, was invited to speak at the FDA/AdvaMed Medical Device Statistical Issues Conference last week in the primary session entitled "External Evidence in the Evaluation of Medical Devices". It is the only conference organized by the FDA and medtech industries to discuss statistical trends and issues in medical device development.

Fourteen proposals were selected for funding.

Aga Khan University honors Hilling’s exemplary record of service. 

Amy Kuntz, Julie Strominger and Laura Sweet were recognized for their research posters and presentations.

This award is for a graduate advisor who goes above and beyond to make Ohio State and the Environmental Science Graduate Program (ESGP) an ideal place to conduct graduate research.

Thank you to all members of the CPH community who contributed to the food drive.

Lee awarded for research about pathogen transmission and exposure pathways and their impact on human health

Tabung is pioneering innovative approaches to studying the role of diet in cancer

Monica Shah won first place in the public health category and Miranda Kinsell placed third.

The honor was awarded by The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics.