Where: 160 Cunz Hall and Virtual
Sanjib Basu, of University of Illinois Chicago, will give a talk titled "High-Dimensional Joint Model for Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Risk"
We consider the setting of joint modeling of a time-to-event outcome and longitudinally measured processes which are posited to prognosticate the outcome. The motivating application is in Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) which is a global public health concern. It is the leading cause of irreversible visual dysfunction among the elderly worldwide (> 190 million people) and is expected to double by 2050. AMD is a multifactorial disease whose progression is driven by a complex interplay among genetic, environmental, and other non-clinical factors. The literature on joint modeling is diverse; however, current approaches can typically jointly analyze one or a few longitudinal processes. We propose a novel penalized joint model that can handle high-dimensional longitudinal biomarkers. We also develop a computationally efficient algorithm and a twostage selection procedure. We evaluate performance of the proposed approach in simulation studies.