
1920 Coffey Road
A188 Sisson Hall
Columbus, OH, 43210
Phone: 614-292-0684
Home college/unit: College of Veterinary Medicine
Read Dr. Hoet's full bio
- Doctor of Philosophy, The Ohio State University. Dissertation: Bovine Toroviruses (Breda virus): Development of diagnostic tests and epidemiology. GPA: 3.88. Advisor: Dr. Linda J Saif. Summer 2002.
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias), The University of Zulia (La Universidad del Zulia). Maracaibo, Venezuela. 4th/33. 1991.
- Specialization in Large Animal Practice. Intern of the Large Animal Section, University Veterinary Clinic (Policlinica Veterinaria Universitaria), College of Veterinary Sciences, The University of Zulia.
van Balen J, Bottichio L, Stevenson K, Wang SH, Nava-Hoet R, Hoet AE*, ": Understanding the Introduction and Circulation of Environmental MRSA in a Large Academic Medical Center during a Non-Outbreak, Year-long Period.” AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INFECTION CONTROL. Vol. 44, no. 8: 925-930. 2016.
Chipps,Esther,M; Carr,Michele; Kearney,Rachel; MacDermott,Jennifer; Von Visger,Tania; Calvitti,Kristin; Vermillion,Brenda; Weber,Michele,L; Newton,Cheryl; St Clair,Jamie; Harper,Dorina; Yamokoski,Todd; Belcher,Marcia; Ali,Naeem; Hoet, Armando, E; van Balen, Joany; Holloman, Christopher; Landers, Timothy, "Outcomes of an Oral Care Protocol in Postmechanically Ventilated Patients.” WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING. Vol. 13, no. 2: 102-111. 2016.
Orellana,Robert,C; Hoet, Armando, E*; Bell,Christopher; Kelley,Christina; Lu,Bo; Anderson,Sarah,E; Stevenson,Kurt,B, "Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Ohio EMS Providers: A Statewide Cross-sectional Study.” PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE. Vol. 20, no. 2: 184-190. 2016.
Wang,Shu-Hua; Hines,Lisa; van Balen,Joany; Mediavilla,Jose,R; Pan,Xueliang; Hoet, Armando, E; Kreiswirth,Barry,N; Pancholi,Preeti; Stevenson,Kurt,B, "Molecular and Clinical Characteristics of Hospital and Community Onset Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Strains Associated with Bloodstream Infections.” JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY. Vol. 53, no. 5: 1599-1608. 2015.
Lutz,Jonathan,K; van Balen,Joany; Mac Crawford,John; Wilkins,John,R; Lee,Jiyoung; Nava-Hoet,Rocio,C; Hoet, Armando, E *, "Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in public transportation vehicles (buses): Another piece to the epidemiologic puzzle.” AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INFECTION CONTROL. Vol. 42, no. 12: 1285-1290. 2014.
Wang,Peng; Glowacki,Meaghan,N; Hoet, Armando, E; Needham,Glen,R; Smith,Kathleen,A; Gary,Richard,E; Li,Xin, "Emergence of lxodes scapularis and Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease vector and agent, in Ohio.” FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY. Vol. 4, no. 70: 1-9. 2014.
Reem,Rachel,E; van Balen,Joany; Hoet, Armando, E; Cebulla,Colleen,M, "Screening and Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus from Ophthalmology Clinic Surfaces: A Proposed Surveillance Tool.” AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. Vol. 157, no. 4: 781-787. 2014.
Patchanee,Prapas; Tadee,Pakpoom; Ingkaninan,Pimlada; Tankaew,Pallop; Hoet, Armando, E; Chupia,Vena, "Distribution and characterization of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) at the Small Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.” SOUTHEAST ASIAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH. Vol. 45, no. 2: 413-420. 2014.
van Balen,Joany; Mowery,Jade; Piraino-Sandoval,Micha; Nava-Hoet,Rocio,C; Kohn,Catherine; Hoet, Armando, E*, "Molecular epidemiology of environmental MRSA at an equine teaching hospital: introduction, circulation and maintenance.” VETERINARY RESEARCH. Vol. 45, 31. 2014.
Narvaez-Bravo,Claudia; Rodas-Gonzalez,Argenis; Fuenmayor,Yrimar; Flores-Rondon,Carolina; Carruyo,Gabriela; Moreno,Mireya; Perozo-Mena,Armindo; Hoet, Armando, E, "Salmonella on feces, hides and carcasses in beef slaughter facilities in Venezuela.” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY. Vol. 166, no. 2: 226-230. 2013.
Lutz,Eric,A; Hoet, Armando, E*; Pennell,Michael; Stevenson,Kurt; Buckley,Timothy,J, "Nonoutbreak-related airborne Staphylococcus spp in a veterinary hospital.” AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INFECTION CONTROL. Vol. 41, no. 7: 648- 651. 2013.
Lutz,J,K; Crawford,J; Hoet,A,E; Wilkins,J,R; Lee,J, "Comparative performance of contact plates, electrostatic wipes, swabs and a novel sampling device for the detection of Staphylococcus aureus on environmental surfaces.” JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY. Vol. 115, no. 1: 171-178. 2013.
Hoet, Armando, E*; van Balen,Joany; Nava-Hoet,Rocio,C; Bateman,Shane; Hillier,Andrew; Dyce,Jonathan; Wittum,Thomas,E, "Epidemiological Profiling of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus-Positive Dogs Arriving at a Veterinary Teaching Hospital.” VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES. Vol. 13, no. 6: 385-393. 2013.
Morrow SM, O’Quinn J, Hoet AE, Wilkins III, JR, DeGraves F, Smith K., "Complaints Associated With Animal Feeding Facilities as Reported to Ohio Local Health Departments, 2006-2008. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH.” JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. Vol. 75, no. 9: 8-13. 2013.
van Balen,Joany; Kelley,Christina; Nava-Hoet,Rocio,C; Bateman,Shane; Hillier,Andrew; Dyce,Jonathan; Wittum,Thomas,E; Hoet, Armando, E*, "Presence, Distribution, and Molecular Epidemiology of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a Small Animal Teaching Hospital: A Year-Long Active Surveillance Targeting Dogs and Their Environment.” VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES. Vol. 13, no. 5: 299-311. 2013.
Wang,Shu-Hua; Khan,Yosef; Hines,Lisa; Mediavilla,Jose,R; Zhang,Liangfen; Chen,Liang; Hoet,Armando; Bannerman,Tammy; Pancholi,Preeti; Robinson,D,Ashley; Kreiswirth,Barry,N; Stevenson,Kurt,B, "Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Sequence Type 239-III, Ohio, USA, 2007-2009.” EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Vol. 18, no. 10: 1557-1565. 2012.
Wang,Shu-hua; Khan,Yosef; Hines,Lisa; Mediavilla,José,R; Zhang,Liangfen; Chen,Liang; Hoet,Armando; Bannerman,Tammy; Pancholi,Preeti; Robinson,D,Ashley; Kreiswirth,Barry,N; Stevenson,Kurt,B, "Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus sequence type 239-III, Ohio, USA, 2007-2009.” EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Vol. 18, no. 10: 1557-1565. 2012.
Baker,Sarah,A; Van-Balen,Joany; Lu,Bo; Hillier,Andrew; Hoet, Armando, E*, "Antimicrobial drug use in dogs prior to admission to a veterinary teaching hospital.” JAVMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Vol. 241, no. 2: 210-217. 2012.