Ashleigh LoVette, PhD

Assistant Professor

Health Behavior and Health Promotion

Ashleigh LoVette in front of Thompson Library

Community and relationships are what brought me to public health and what keeps me going. It is truly a privilege to be able to work with others to address issues that matter most to young people, their families and the communities they live in. In my program of research, I strive to ensure that my work makes a difference in the lives of young people, so they can not only survive, but thrive.


1841 Neil Avenue
Cunz Hall
Columbus, OH 43210

Dr. Ashleigh LoVette is a social and behavioral scientist whose research uses strengths-based and community-engaged approaches to promote the health and well-being of adolescents and emerging adults in the United States and South Africa. Her current work examines how resilience, trauma, health behaviors, and social contexts influence sexual and mental health outcomes among girls and young women, particularly those with marginalized identities. Dr. LoVette aims to use her research findings to develop and implement culturally-relevant trauma-informed interventions and to create structural change by informing policy. Her previous research used quantitative and qualitative methods to critically examine the concept of resilience and how it relates to the sexual health of girls and young women living in the context of sustained HIV risk.

Prior to joining the faculty at OSU, she conducted research with students and faculty across various disciplines as a postdoc at Johns Hopkins University. As a faculty member, she continues to work on this emerging line of mixed-methods and qualitative research focused on promoting healthy relationships and sexual health among girls and young women in Baltimore.

With a background in public health and communication, Dr. LoVette applies an interdisciplinary lens to her research and work. In addition to communicating about health and conducting research, she is committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and equitable environment of higher education as well as working toward shared goals with community members and organizations. Dr. LoVette currently works with Ballet After Dark, a Baltimore-based organization that provides dance therapy and trauma-informed care for survivors. She looks forward to serving and building relationships with members of the Greater Columbus community.