Associate Professor

1841 Neil Ave.
249 Cunz Hall
Columbus, OH, 43210
Phone: 614-247-8092
Dr. Shoben joined the CPH faculty in 2010, immediately after receiving her PhD from the University of Washington. Her research interests include clinical trial design, analysis, and ethics. She works on characterizing the robustness and limits of standard methods in novel situations, such as applying traditional group sequential designs to longitudinal clinical trials and applying traditional single group random effects models to cluster randomized trials when participants belong to more than one group. She is also interested in statistical issues in the analysis of serum vitamin D measurements, which pose a particular challenge for analysis due to seasonal variability and the fact that this seasonal variability depends on demographic and behavioral factors. Her applied collaborations since joining faculty have included work in tobacco control, cardiovascular disease, health services research, veterinary public health, and cancer prevention.
Group sequential methods, longitudinal data, epidemiologic applications, clinical trials
- Ph.D., Biostatistics, University of Washington, 2010
- MS, Biostatistics, University of Washington, 2008
- M.Ed., Math, Science, and Technology Education, The Ohio State University, 2003
- Sc.B., Chemistry, Brown University, 2002
Shoben AB, Rudser KD, and Emerson SS. “Nonmonotonic information growth in longitudinal group sequential trials using GEE.” (2017). J Biopharm Stat. 27(1):135-147.
Wewers ME, Shoben A, Conroy S, Curry E, Ferketich AK, Murray DM, Nemeth J, Wermert A. "Effectiveness of two community health worker models of tobacco dependence treatment among community residents of Ohio Appalachia." (2017). Nicotine Tob Res. 19(12):1499-1507.
Evans AT, Peters E, Shoben AB, Meilleur LR, Klein EG, Tompkins MK, Tusler M. "Cigarette graphic warning labels increase both risk perceptions and smoking myth endorsement." (2017). Psychol Health. 7:1-22.
Klein EG, Quisenberry AJ, Shoben AB, Cooper S, Ferketich AK, Berman M, Peters E, Wewers ME. "Health Warning Labels for Smokeless Tobacco: The Impact of Graphic Images on Attention, Recall, and Craving." (2017). Nicotine Tob Res. 19(10): 1172-1177
Davison G, Shoben A, Pasch KE, Klein EG. "Energy Drink Use Among Ohio Appalachian Smokers." (2016). J Community Health. 41(5):897-902.
Foraker RE, Shoben AB, Kelley MM, Lai AM, Lopetegui MA, Jackson RD, Langan MA, Payne PR. "Electronic health record-based assessment of cardiovascular health: The stroke prevention in healthcare delivery environments (SPHERE) study." (2016). Prev Med Rep. 4:303-8.
Klein EG, Shoben AB, Krygowski S, Ferketich A, Berman M, Peters E, Rao U, Wewers ME. "Does size impact attention and recall of graphic health warnings?" (2015). Tob Regul Sci. 1(2):175-185.
Steinman KJ, Shoben AB, Dembe AE, Kelleher KJ. “How Long Do Adolescents Wait for Psychiatry Appointments?” (2015). Community Mental Health Journal. 51(7): 782-9.
Shoben AB, Emerson SS. Violations of the independent increment assumption when using generalized estimating equation in longitudinal group sequential trials. (2014). Stat Med. 33(29):5041-56.
Shoben, AB. "The Value of Sound Research Practices Even Facing Pandemics." (2013). American Journal of Bioethics. 13(9): 15-17.
Rothstein, MA; Shoben, AB. "Does Consent Bias Research?" (2013). American Journal of Bioethics. 13(4): 27-37.
Sachs, MC; Shoben, AB; Levin, GP, Robinson-Cohen C, Hoofnagle AN, Swords-Jenny N, Ix JH, Budoff M, Lutsey PL, Siscovick DS, Kestenbaum B, de Boer IH. "Estimating mean annual 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations from single measurements: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis." (2013). American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 97(6): 1243-1251.