Abigail Shoben, PhD

Associate Professor


Abigail Shoben, PhD


1841 Neil Ave.
249 Cunz Hall
Columbus, OH, 43210
Email: shoben.1@osu.edu
Phone: 614-247-8092

Dr. Shoben joined the CPH faculty in 2010, immediately after receiving her PhD from the University of Washington. Her research interests include clinical trial design, analysis, and ethics. She works on characterizing the robustness and limits of standard methods in novel situations, such as applying traditional group sequential designs to longitudinal clinical trials and applying traditional single group random effects models to cluster randomized trials when participants belong to more than one group.  She is also interested in statistical issues in the analysis of serum vitamin D measurements, which pose a particular challenge for analysis due to seasonal variability and the fact that this seasonal variability depends on demographic and behavioral factors. Her applied collaborations since joining faculty have included work in tobacco control, cardiovascular disease, health services research, veterinary public health, and cancer prevention.