
My passion in biostatistics is not only to solve the methodological riddles, but also to develop practical tools to improve understanding on how policies may change people’s health and wellbeing.
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244 Cunz Hall
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Phone: 614-247-7913
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Causal inference, Observational study, Matched designs for complex data structure, Sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounding, Bayesian Modeling for causal effects, Survey sampling methodology, Small area estimation, Large population survey analysis, Statistical methods for observational studies in population health, health outcome research and social sciences
- Ph.D. , Statistics, University of Pennsylvania, 2002
- M.A., Statistics, University of Pennsylvania, 1999
- B.S., Probability and Statistics, Peking University, 1997
Lin Z*, Ni A, and Lu B “Propensity Score Matched Restricted Mean Survival Time Model for Marginal Causal Effect in Observational Data”, Journal of Causal Inference, 2023, 11: 20220035.
Nattino G*, Song C, and Lu B “Poly-Matching Algorithm in Observational Studies with Multiple Treatment Groups”, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2022, 167, 107364.
Nattino G*, Lu B, Shi J, Lemeshow S, Xiang H. "Triplet matching for estimating causal effects with three treatment arms: A comparative study of mortality by trauma center level." Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2021, 212: 153-168.
Wu P., Xu X., Tong X., Jiang Q., and Lu B. “A Propensity Score-based Spline Approach for Average Causal Effects”, accepted, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2020.
Hade E*, Nattino G*, Frey H. and Lu B. “Propensity Score Matching for Treatment Delay Effects with Observational Survival Data”, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2020, 29(3):695-708.
Kim H., Lu B., Nehus E., and Kim M. “Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects for Latent Subgroups in Observational Studies”, Statistics in Medicine, 2019, 38(3):339-353.
Nattino G* and Lu B. “Model Assisted Sensitivity Analyses for Hidden Bias with Binary Outcomes”, Biometrics, 2018, 74(4):1141-1149.
Lu B, Cai D*, Tong X. “Testing Causal Effects in Observational Survival Data using Propensity Score Matching Design”, Statistics in Medicine, 2018, 37(11): 1846-1858.
Lu B, Cai D*, Wang L, Tong X, and Xiang H “Inference for Proportional Hazards Model with Propensity Score”, Communication in Statistics—Theory and Methods, 2018, 47(12): 2908-2918.
Lu B and Ashmead R* “Propensity Score Matching Analysis for Causal Effect with MNAR Covariates”, frothcoming, Statistica Sinica, 2017.
Berzofsky M., Blanton C., Speizer H., Peterson K., Lu B., and Sahr T. “Methods to Account for Classification Error in County Assignment for a Dual-Frame Telephone Survey”, forthcoming, Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 2017.
Jin Y., Berman M., Klein E., Foraker R., Lu B., and Ferketich A. “Ending Tobacco Sale in Pharmacies: A Qualitative Study”, forthcoming, the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 2017.
Li Z.*, Xu X., and Lu B. “Small Area Estimation Strategies for Large Population Surveys: A Comparison of Design and Model Based Methods”, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2017, 87(4): 817-833.
Jin Y., Lu B., Klein E., Berman M., Foraker R. and Ferketich A. “Tobacco-Free Pharmacy Laws and Trends in Tobacco Retailer Density in California and Massachusetts”, American Journal of Public Health. 2016, 106(4):679-85. PMID: 26890173.
Shi J., Lu B., Wheeler K., and Xiang H. “Assessment of Unmeasured Confounding in Observational Studies with Multiple Treatment Arms: Comparing the ED Mortality of Severe Trauma Patients by Trauma Center Level”, Epidemiology, 2016, 27(5): 624-632. PMID: 27276025.
Zhu H. and Lu B. “Multiple comparison for survival data with propensity score adjustment”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2015, 86: 42-51.
Mihai G., Varghese J., Kampfrath T., Gushchina L., Deiuliis J., Hafer L., Maiseyeu A., Simonetti O., Lu B., and Rajagopalan S. “Aliskiren effect on Plaque Progression In Established Atherosclerosis using high Resolution 3D MRI(ALPINE): A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Trial”, Journal of the American Heart Association, 2015, 41(1): 202-212.
Hade E.* and Lu B. “Bias Associated with Using Estimated Propensity Score as a Regression Covariate”, Statistics in Medicine, 2014, 33: 74-87. PMC4004383
Lu B. and Gatsonis C. “Efficiency of Study Designs in Diagnostic Randomized Clinical Trials”, Statistics in Medicine, 2013, 32:1451-1466. PMC3600406
Lu B., Qian Z., Cunningham A., and Li C.* “Estimating the Effect of Premarital Cohabitation on Timing of Marital Disruption: Using Propensity Score Matching in Event History Analysis”, Sociological Methods and Research, 2012, 41(3): 440-466
Price J., Shi J., Lu B., Smith G., Stallones L., Wheeler K. and Xiang H. “Non-occupatinoal and Occupational Injuries to U.S. Workers with Disability”, American Journal of Public Health, 2012, 102: e38-e46.
Lu B. and Elliot J. "Beyond seizures and medications: Normal activity limitations, social support and mental health in epilepsy", Epilepsia, 2012, 53(2): e25-28.
Lu B., Greevy R., Xu X., and Beck C. "Optimal Nonbipartite Matching and its Statistical Applications", The American Statistician, 2011, 65(1):21-30
Frank R., Akresh I. and Lu B. "Latino Immigrants and the U.S. Racial Order: How and Where Do They Fit In?", American Sociological Review, 2010, 75(3): 378-401.
Sun Q., Yue P., Deiuliis J., Lumeng C., Kampfrath T., Mikolaj M., Cai Y., Ostrowski M., Lu B., Parthasarathy S., Brook R., Moffatt-Bruce S., Chen L. and Rajagopalan S. Ambient Air Pollution Exaggerates Adipose Inflammation and Insulin Resistance in a Mouse Model of Diet Induced Obesity. Circulation. 119:2009. 492-494.
Shumway B., Kresty L., Larsen P., Zwick J., Lu B., Fields H., Mumper R., Stoner G., Mallery S. "Effects of a topically applied bioadhesive berry gel on loss of heterozygosity indices in premalignant oral lesions", Clinical Cancer Research, 2008; 14: 2421-2430.
O’Brien J., Lu B., Ali N., Martin G., Aberegg S., Marsh L., Lemeshow S., Douglas I. “Chronic alcohol abuse (CAA) is independently associated with sepsis, septic shock and hospital mortality among adult intensive care unit patients”, Critical Care Medicine, 2007; 32(5): 345-350.
Lu B. “Propensity Score Matching with Time Dependent Covariates”, Biometrics, 2005; 61: 721-728.
Lu B., Rosenbaum P. “Optimal Pair Matching with Two Control Groups”, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2004; 13: 422-434.
Greevy R., Lu B., Silber, J. and Rosenbaum, P. “Optimal Multivariate Matching Before Randomization: An Algorithm and a Case-Study”, Biostatistics, 2004; 5: 263-275.
Lu B., Zanutto E., Hornik R., Rosenbaum P. “Matching with Doses in an Observational Study of a Media Campaign against Drug Abuse”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2001; 96: 1245-1253.