Associate Professor
Health Services Management and Policy

280E Cunz Hall
1841 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-1110
- PhD, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2016
- BA, Gettysburg College, 2005
Al-Amin, Hefner, J.A., Hogan T.H. Le, K. (in press). Sustainers: Hospitals with sustained superior performance. Health Care Management Review.
Hogan T.H, Lemak C. H. , Hearld L. M. , Sen B. P. , Wheeler J. R. C. , Menachemi, N. (in press). Hospital Vertical Integration into Skilled Nursing Facilities and 30-day readmissions rates. Journal for Healthcare Quality.
Hogan T.H., Lemak CH, Hearld LM, Menachemi,N. (2019) Hospital Vertical Integration into Sub-Acute Care and financial performance. Journal of Healthcare Finance.
Quatman-Yates, C. C. , Paterno, M. V. , Strenk, M., Kiger, M. , Hogan, T. H. , Cunningham, B., Reder, R. (In Press). A Model for Cultivating a Culture of Continuous Learning and Improvement: An Ethnographic Study. Advances in Healthcare Management.
Walker, D. M., Mora, A. M., Hogan, T. H., Diana, M. L., & McAlearney, A. S. (2018). Assessing Trends in Hospital System Structures From 2008 to 2015. Medical care, 56(10), 831-839.
Hogan, T. H., Lemak, C. H., Ivankova, N., Hearld, L. R., Wheeler, J., & Menachemi, N. (2018). Hospital Vertical Integration Into Subacute Care as a Strategic Response to Value-Based Payment Incentives, Market Factors, and Organizational Factors: A Multiple-Case Study. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 55, 0046958018781364.
Hogan, T. H., Lemak, C. H., Hearld, L. R., Sen, B. P., Wheeler, J. R., & Menachemi, N. (2019). Market and organizational factors associated with hospital vertical integration into sub-acute care. Health care management review, 44(2), 137-147.
Menachemi, N., Hogan, T. H., DelliFraine, J. L., & Flaks, J. A. (2015). Journal Rankings by Health Management Faculty Members: Are There Differences by Rank, Leadership Status, or Area of Expertise? Journal of Healthcare Management, 60(1), 17.
Hearld, L. R., Hearld, K. R., & Hogan, T. H. (2014). Community-Level Sociodemographic Characteristics and Patient-Centered Medical Home Capacity. Population Health Management in Health Care Organizations. Advances in Health Care Management, 16 23-50.