Professor; Director of the Center for HOPES
Health Services Management and Policy
Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Evaluation Studies

383 Cunz Hall
1841 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH, 43210
Phone: 614-247-4471
- PhD, Economics, Tulane University, 1999 Fields: Health, Development, and Econometrics
- Bachelor of Science, Physics and International Studies, Eckerd College, 1994
- Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, 1993
Benitez JA, Adams EK, Seiber EE. Did Health Care Reform Help Kentucky Address Disparities in Coverage and Access to Care among the Poor? Health Serv Res. 2017 Apr 25.
Seiber EE, Berman ML. Medicaid Expansion and ACA Repeal: Evidence From Ohio. Am J Public Health. 2017 Jun;107(6):889-892.
Fleming ST, Mackley HB, Camacho F, Yao N, Gusani NJ, Seiber EE, Matthews SA, Yang TC, Hwang W. Patterns of Care for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer in Appalachia, and the Clinical, Sociodemographic, and Service Provider Determinants. J Rural Health. 2016 Spring;32(2):113-24.
Seiber EE, Camacho F, Zeeshan MF, Kern TT, Fleming ST. Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Treatment Delay Within Appalachia--The Role of For-Profit Hospitals. J Rural Health. 2015 Fall;31(4):382-91.
Olesiuk WJ, Sweeney HA, Seiber EE, Zhu H, Schweikhart SB, Shoben AB, Tam KK. A Comparison of Benefit Limits in Mental Health. Adm Policy Ment Health. 2016 Jul;43(4):524-34.
Zeeshan MF, Dembe AE, Seiber EE, Lu B. Incidence of adverse events in an integrated US healthcare system: a retrospective observational study of 82,784 surgical hospitalizations. Patient Saf Surg. 2014 May 27;8:23.
Ferketich AK, Pennell M, Seiber EE, Wang L, Farietta T, Jin Y, Wewers ME. Provider-delivered tobacco dependence treatment to Medicaid smokers. Nicotine Tob Res. 2014 Jun;16(6):786-93.
Seiber EE. Covering the remaining uninsured children: almost half of uninsured children live in immigrant families. Med Care. 2014 Mar;52(3):202-7.
Jin Y, Seiber EE, Ferketich AK. Secondhand smoke and asthma: what are the effects on healthcare utilization among children? Prev Med. 2013 Aug;57(2):125-8.
Song PH, Lee SY, Alexander JA, Seiber EE. Hospital ownership and community benefit: looking beyond uncompensated care. J Healthc Manag. 2013 Mar-Apr;58(2):126-41; discussion 141-2.
Muhlestein DB, Seiber EE. State variability in children's Medicaid/CHIP crowd-out estimates. Medicare Medicaid Res Rev. 2013 Jul 11;3(3).
Seiber EE. Which states enroll their Medicaid-eligible, citizen children with immigrant parents? Health Serv Res. 2013 Apr;48(2 Pt 1):519-38.
Kong MC, Nahata M, Lacombe VA, Seiber EE, and Balkrishnan R (2012). Racial Differences in Perinatal depression among HIV-infected Women. Health Outcomes Research in Medicine, v3(2):e103-e110.
Karve S, Balkrishnan R, Seiber EE, Nahata M, Levine DA (In Press). "Population Trends and Disparities in Outpatient Utilization of Neurologists for Ischemic Stroke." Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases.
Kong MC, Nahata M, Lacombe VA, Seiber EE, and Balkrishnan R (In Press). "Association between Race, Depression, and Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence in a Low-Income Population with HIV Infection". Journal of General Internal Medicine.
Song PH, Lee SD, Alexander JA, and Seiber EE (In Press). "Hospital Ownership and Community Benefits: Looking Beyond Uncompensated Care". Journal of Healthcare Management.
Seiber EE, Sweeney HA, Partridge J, Dembe AE, and Jones H (In Press). "Mental Health Community Based Funding: Ohio's Experience in Revising its Funding Allocation Methodology". Community Mental Health.
Candrilli SD, O’Brien SH, Ware RE, Nahata MC, Seiber EE, and Balkrishnan R (2011). "Hydroxyurea Adherence and Associated Outcomes in Medicaid Enrollees with Sickle Cell Disease" American Journal of Hematology, v86(3):273-277.
Wu J, Seiber EE, Lacombe VA, Nahata MC, and Balkrishnan R (2011). "Medical utilization and Costs Associated with Statin Adherence in Medicaid Enrollees with Type 2 Diabetes". Annals of Pharmacotherapy, v45(3):342-349.
Seiber EE and Mariotti A (2011). "Utilization of Oral Health Care by Children in Ohio". Journal of the American Dental Association, v142(3):302-308.
Wu J, Balkrishnan R, Seiber EE, Lacombe VA, and Nahata MC (2011). "Predictors of Statin Adherence in Medicaid Enrollees with Type 2 Diabetes and Comorbid Hyperlipidemia". Obesity and Metabolism, v6(4):111-116.
Seiber EE and Sahr T (2011). "Public-Private Substitution among Medicaid Adults - Evidence from Ohio". Medicare and Medicaid Research Review, v1(1).
Pawaskar MD, Burch SP, Seiber EE, Iaconi A, and Balkrishnan R (2010). "Medicaid Payment Mechanisms: Impact of health plan type on medication adherence and healthcare utilization in type 2 diabetes Medicaid enrollees". Population Health Management v13(4), 209-218.
Seiber EE and Florence CS (2010). "SCHIP's Role in the Small Group Health Insurance Market", Health Services Research, v45(1), 230-245.
Murden RA and Seiber EE. How can cost-effectiveness information help control unsustainable growth in U.S. health care spending? Annals of Internal Medicine. 150(1): 2009. 58.
Seiber EE, Smith CM, and Tanenbaum SJ. Who treats limited English proficient patients? Implications for Linguistic Access Initiatives. Ethnicity and Disease. 19(4): 2009. 433-438.
Song PH, Barlow JD, Seiber EE and McAlearney AS. Competition in Health Care. In: Kris Heggenhougen and Stella Quah, editors International Encyclopedia of Public Health, Vol 1. San Diego: Academic Press; 2008. pp.818-823
Robinson AL and Seiber EE (2008). "Does community mitigate the negative effect of poverty on adolescent condom use in South Africa?" International Family Planning Perspectives, v34(3), 121-126
Seiber EE, Bertrand JT, and Sullivan T (2007). "Changes in Contraceptive Method Mix in Developing Countries", International Family Planning Perspectives, v33(3), 117-123.
Seiber EE and Robinson AL (2007). "Microfinance Investments in Quality at Private Clinics in Uganda", BMC Health Services Research, 7:168
Urofsky RI, Seiber EE, and Hoffman NG (2007) "UNCOPE: Evaluation of a Brief Screen for Detecting Substance Dependence among Juvenile Justice Populations", Journal of School Counseling, v5(17).
Seiber EE (2007) "Physician Code Creep: Evidence in Medicaid and State Health Insurance Billing", Health Care Financing Review, v28(4), 83-94.