Fernanda L. Schumacher, PhD

Assistant Professor


Fernanda Schumacher

As a Latina and first-generation college student, I personally know the power of transformation that access to information, education and research opportunities can have. Biostatistics allows me to contribute to public health by planning and analyzing studies, in addition to developing statistical methods to handle complex problems.


210 Cunz Hall
1841 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210
Email: schumacher.313@osu.edu
Pronouns: she/her/hers
View CV
Website: Personal website

Dr. Schumacher's primary research interest has been developing robust statistical models that can accommodate specific characteristics frequently found in applications, such as outliers, skewness, time dependence, and censoring. She has experience working with regression and mixed models in the context of time series and longitudinal data, mainly from a frequentist point of view. Most of her work is available as open-source R packages, facilitating the use of these flexible models in applications.