Professor Emeritus
Health Behavior and Health Promotion

348 Cunz Hall
1841 Neil Ave
Columbus, OH, 43210
Phone: 614-688-4024
Primary Food Innovation Center Area: Foods for Health, Obesity
Areas of Expertise: childhood obesity prevention, creating healthy food environments, nutrition policies that foster healthy food environments, community based nutrition interventions
Efforts to help individuals and communities improve their global quality of life in a sustainable manner, include: 1) Education/training on healthy nutrition decisions and behaviors; 2) Developing and implementing policy, systems and environments that enable active execution of desired decisions and behaviors. My professional efforts are focused in these two areas. I developed two programs that have helped children learn and execute obesity prevention behaviors. I have done research on environment (point of selection nutrition labels) and policy based (nutrition standards for vending contracts) nutrition efforts. These experiences would enable me to contribute towards achievement of the mission of FIC.
childhood obesity prevention, creating healthy food environments, nutrition policies that foster healthy food environments, community based nutrition interventions