
1841 Neil Ave
380E Cunz Hall
Columbus, OH, 43210
Phone: 614-292-0006
Mathematics Dept
Mathematical Biosciences Institute
Dr. Rempala has background in applied mathematics (probability theory) and modeling complex systems in the context of public health. He is a co-Founder of the OSU Healmod Initiative
Complex Stochastic Systems Theory, Molecular Biosystems Modeling, Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Epidemiology and in Genomics
- DSc, Habilitatus (post-doctoral degree), Warsaw Technical University
- PhD, Applied Mathematics (US degree conferral), University of Warsaw
- PhD, Mathematical Statistics, Bowling Green State University
- MA, Summa Cum Laude Mathematics, University of Warsaw
- University Postdoctoral Mentor (2022)
- Eminent Scholar of Polish Origin (2016)
- National Science Foundation Research Fellow (2001)
- Victor Olorunsula Research Fellow (1999)
Schnell, P.M., Wascher, M., Rempała, G.A. Overcoming Repeated Testing Schedule Bias in Estimates of Disease Prevalence. J. Amer Stat Assoc 9(4) 1-12 (2023) JASA Applications Editor’s Choice Collection.
Di Lauro, F., KhudaBukhsh, W.R. , Kiss, I. Kenah, E. Jensen, M and Rempała, G.A. Dynamic survival analysis for non-Markovian epidemic models. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19 (191), 0124 (2022)
Volkening,A. DF Linder, DF. , Porter, MA. , Rempała, GA Forecasting elections using compartmental models of infection SIAM Review 62 (4), 837-865 (2020).
Kang, HW, Khudabukhsh W, Koeppl H, Rempala, G.A. Quasi-steady-state approximations derived from the stochastic model of enzyme kinetics. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. May 2019, Volume 81, Issue 5, pp 1303–1336
Wojciech L, Szurek E, Kuczma M, Cebula A, Elhefnawy WR, Pietrzak M, Rempala G.A., Ignatowicz L. Non-canonicaly recruited TCR-CD8+ IELs recognize microbial antigens. Scientific Reports 8(1):01 Dec 2018; PMCID: PMC6052027; PMID: 30022086
Capistran MA, Nunez-Lopez M, Rempala, G.A. Extracellular dynamics of early HIV infection. Math Meth Appl Sci. 2018;1–12.
Jacobsen K., Burch M., Tien, J., Rempała, G.A. The large graph limit of a stochastic epidemic model on a dynamic multilayer network. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 2018,1 746:788
Cebula, A., Seweryn, M., Rempala, G. A., (..) Ignatowicz, L. Thymus-derived regulatory T-cells control tol- erance to commensal microbiota. Nature, 497 258–262 (2013).
Rempala, G.A. and Seweryn, M. Methods for diversity and overlap analysis in T-cell receptor populations. Journal of Mathematical Biology 67(6-7):1339-68 (2013).
Rempala, G.A. and Wesolowski J. Symmetric Functionals on Random Matrices and Random Matchings Problems. Springer Series of the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications. Hardcover, Springer-Verlag, New York 2008 ISBN-13: 978-0387751450
Ball, K., Kurtz, T., Popovic L., and Rempala, G.A. Multiscale stochastic approximations for biochemical reaction networks. Annals of Applied Probability 16(4), 1925-1961 (2006).