Helene Cweren

MHA Student and Career Services Program Manager

Health Services Management and Policy

Helene Cweren


1841 Neil Ave.
280B Cunz Hall
Columbus, OH 43210
Email: cweren.1@osu.edu
Phone: 614-292-8350

Helene Cweren serves as the MHA Student and Career Services Manager in the Office of Academic Programs and Student Services (OAPSS). She is responsible for a broad scope of student services and professional development activities integral to the successful enrollment, education and career progression of MHA graduate students. Helene partners with HSMP, faculty and alumni to assure success of MHA programs and also coordinates scholarships for the College of Public Health.

Helene holds a BS in Anthropology from Brandeis University, an MA in Sociology from University of California - San Diego, and a Master's in Public Policy from Harvard University. Helene brings a background in government, non-profit administration, academic administration and student services. Most recently, she served as the Associate Director of OSU’s Undergraduate Research Office.