Associate Professor
Health Services Management and Policy

Public Health is the lens through which I view the challenges and opportunities facing society. The goal of my teaching and scholarly work in the field of health services research is to improve public health - promote and protect the health of people and the communities in which they live. My position in a college of public health is central to this mission as it allows me to focus on the public health impact of my work and facilitates connections to public health practitioners and the community.
1841 Neil Ave.
280G Cunz Hall
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-6813
Dr. Hefner is an associate professor in the Division of Health Management and Policy. She received both her Master of Public Health and PhD in health services organization and policy from the University of Michigan. Her research focuses on applying management and organizational theories to the study of the implementation and dissemination of healthcare and social services programs. Currently, Dr. Hefner is working on projects related to 911 response to mental health crisis, food insecurity among diabetic patients, virtual teams for first episode psychosis treatment, medication treatment for opioid use disorder, and Ohio Medicaid’s Next Generation Managed Care program. Her work has been funded by grants from the NIH (NIA and NIDDK), the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Ohio Department of Medicaid, and the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Dr. Hefner teaches in the CPH MHA program and is also the editor of the annual book series Advances in Health Care Management.
management practices, clinical informatics, program evaluation, dissemination & implementation science
- PhD, Health Services Organization and Policy, College of Public Health, University of Michigan
- MPH, Health Policy, College of Public Health, University of Michigan
- BA, Psychology, Ohio Wesleyan University