Associate Professor
Health Behavior and Health Promotion

1841 Neil Ave
308 Cunz Hall
Columbus, OH, 43210
Phone: 614-247-7142
COVID-19 and Vulnerable Populations Workgroup
I am an intervention scientist dedicated to conducting the scientific work needed to improve health and reduce disparities for those impacted by violence and trauma. In the United States, one in four women will experience sexual and/or domestic violence and more than one million youth are homeless. An interconnected web of comorbid conditions are concentrated within these populations, including undiagnosed head injury, disability from mental health, alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use and exposure to past and ongoing violence. My work focuses on building and optimizing service access and behavioral interventions for these populations, recognizing the chaotic circumstances in which they live and are trying to seek safety and health services. Informed by nearly two decades of community work in violence prevention and crisis response, and trained as a feminist theorist, I bring gender, culture, justice and community practice lenses to the promotion of health equity. I am the co-founder of the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence, a 501(c)3 organization recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Office on Violence Against Women as Ohio’s coalition addressing sexual violence response and its prevention. I received a NIH K07 Career Development Grant (2017-2022). In addition, I served as an evaluator on an Office of Victims of Crime funded demonstration grant (2016-2019) awarded to the Ohio Domestic Violence Network; this work focused on the creation, implementation and evaluation of the C.A.R.E. model, designed to increase advocacy organizations’ capacity to better meet the complex and often interconnected health concerns of domestic violence survivors — including brain injury, mental health, trauma and substance use. I also am currently working to found the Brain Injury from Violence CARE Alliance, a university-community partnership to raise awareness and provider practices regarding the need for brain injury-aware, trauma informed care.
Opinion Editorials
- Ramirez R, Montgomery L, Nemeth JM. Opinion: This group has a shocking concussion rate. It’s not football players. The Washington Post, Online, 10/31/2022.
- Monahan K, Kozlowski D, Crabtree-Nelson S, Valera E, Ramirez R, Nemeth JM, Lifshitz J, Handmaker H. Lawler K. Everyone knows a Gabby Petito. News Day Opinion Commentary, Online, 11/22/2021.
Podcasts & Recordings
- Breakthroughs in Trauma Treatment. This is Ohio State Podcast, Online, 3/6/24.
- Nemeth JM. Domestic Violence and Brain Injuries – Helping DV Advocates Best Reach Survivors. Making Headway Podcast, Online, 7/11/2021.
- Nemeth JM. Discovery through Symbiotic Community-Research Partnerships: Both are required to see. Lecture presented at: The Ohio State University, 2021 Research & Innovation Showcase. Presentation recorded by WOSU studios, Columbus, OH, 4/15/2021.
- Study: Brain injury common in domestic violence. Ohio State News, Online and YouTube, 7/1/2019.
Selected Television & Radio Segments
- The Head Trauma Crisis Among Domestic Violence Survivors. New York Public Radio, On air and online, 3/22/2023.
- Nemeth JM, Ramirez R. Interview with NBC4, Daytime Columbus’s Robyn Haines; A focus on the why’s, how’s and treatments of TBI during Brain Injury Awareness Month. Interview on-air, 3/17/2023.
- Padamsee TJ, Nemeth JM. Interview with News 5 Cleveland’s Remi Murray; New research shows Cleveland neighborhood has been one of the hardest hit due to COVID-19. Interview via Zoom, 2/15/2023.
- An 'invisible epidemic': Survivors of domestic violence on living with traumatic brain injury. NPR On Point, On air and online, 1/20/2022.
- Ohio Study Finds Domestic Violence Linked To Undiagnosed Brain Injuries. WOSU Public Media, In print and radio, 7/1/2019.
Selected Media Mentions
- Toolkit Helps Recognize Signs of Brain Injury in Domestic-Violence Survivors. Public News Service, Online, 4/18/2023.
- Making brain injury a priority in domestic violence support. Neuro Rehab Times, Online, 4/25/2022.
- New research-based tools to help Ohioans at higher COVID-19 risk. Newswise, Online, 10/13/2020.
- Brain Injury Often a Devastating Side Effect of Domestic Violence. US News & World Reports, Online 7/10/2019.
Selected Research Mentions
- Researcher Discusses brain injury and ‘shadow pandemic’ of intimate partner violence. University of Toronto News, Online, 02/01/2022.
- A Hidden Cost of Domestic Violence: How Big Is This Secret Epidemic? The Mississippi Center for Investigative Reporting, Online, 4/21/2021.
- Finally, New Brain Injury Study Focuses on Survivors of DV., Online, 11/9/20.
- Ohio Coalition Works to Address Brain Injury in DV Programs. Civic Research Institute. Domestic Violence Report, Vol 25, Number 3, Feb/March 2020, pp 58-63(6).
- Domestic Violence: Improved Data Needed to Identify the Prevalence of Brain Injuries among Victims GAO-20-534: Published: Jun 12, 2020. Publicly Released: 6/12/2020. US Government Accountability Office.
- Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury: Recognizing Invisible Injuries and Finding Hope for Healing. Futures Without Violence, Online, 3/19/20.
- Brain injury hidden risk for domestic violence victims. Criminal Justice Update (Ohio Attorney General), In print, 8/5/2019.
- Brain injury common in domestic violence. Neuroscience News, Online, 7/2/2019.
Health Equity, Systems Implementation of Brain Injury Aware Trauma Informed Care, Vulnerable, Traumatized Populations (Sexual & Domestic Violence Survivors, Homeless Youth), Tobacco Control & Cessation, Intersection of Violence Exposure, Mental Health, Brain Injury & Substance Use, Community-Engaged Evaluation & Research
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Tobacco Control, Ohio State University, 2016-2017
- Ph.D., Health Behavior and Health Promotion, Ohio State University, 2015
- Predoctoral Fellow, Behavioral Oncology, Mary Margaret Walther Foundation, Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Center for Symptom Management, 2013-2015
- M.A., Women’s Studies, Ohio State University, 2001
- B.A., Religion (major), Sociology (minor), Wittenberg University, 1998
- Brain Injury ISIG Deborah Lee Price Girls and Women with ABI Taskforce Poster Award. Duhaney S, Nemeth J. Understanding the Needs of Community Health Centers in Addressing and Accommodating Patients Living with Brain Injury from Domestic Violence. Poster presented at: American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 100th Annual Conference; October 31, 2023; Atlanta, GA.
- Outstanding New Student Organization Award, Student Advocates for Sexual Health Awareness (SASHA) Office of Student Life Leadership Awards, Faculty Advisor, The Ohio State University, 2019
- Murray Straus Interpersonal Violence Original Research Award, Co-Recipient with Rachel Ramirez, Community-based Participatory Action Research Partner; National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan (NPEIV), 24th International Summit on Violence, Abuse & Trauma, San Diego, CA, 2019
- Delta Omega, Member, Ohio State University Alpha Epsilon Chapter, Inducted 2015
- Phi Kappa Phi, Member, Ohio State University Chapter, Inducted 2010
- Board of Trustees Student Recognition Award, Recipient, Ohio State University, 2015
- Phi Beta Kappa, Member, Wittenberg University Chapter, Inducted 1998
(advisee, student, community-based partner*)
- Sucaldito AD, Kemble H, Kulow E,* Ramirez R,* Nemeth JM. How advocates use CARE to accommodate the needs of domestic violence survivors seeking services with brain injuries and mental health challenges: a process evaluation. Accepted: Violence Against Women 10/16/23.
- Nemeth JM, Glasser AM, Macisco J, Hinton A, Wermert A, Patterson JG, Sucaldito A, Gilson C, Kemble H, Garbsch E, Caponi J. Identifying Novel Motivation Phase-Specific Cessation Targets for Youth Experiencing Homelessness in the USA. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. Published 9/19/2023.
- Nemeth J, Ramirez R,* Debowski C, Kulow E,* Hinton A, Wermert A, Mengo C, Malecki A, Glasser A, Montgomery L, Alexander C.* The CARE Health Advocacy Intervention Improves Trauma-Informed Practices at Domestic Violence Service Organizations to Address Brain Injury, Mental Health, and Substance Use [published online ahead of print, 2023 Mar 23]. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2023;10.1097/HTR.0000000000000871. doi:10.1097/HTR.0000000000000871
- Nemeth JM, Glasser AM, Hinton A, Macisco JM, Wermert A, Smith R, Kemble H, Sasser G. Brain Injury is Prevalent and Precedes Tobacco Use among Youth and Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023;20(6):5169. doi:10.3390/ijerph20065169 PMCID: PMC10049052
- Patterson JG, Macisco JM, Glasser AM, Wermert A, Nemeth JM. Psychosocial factors influencing smoking relapse among youth experiencing homelessness: A qualitative study. PLoS One. 2022;17(7):e0270665. Published 2022 Jul 26. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0270665 PMCID: PMC9321375
- Glasser AM, Hinton A, Wermert A, Macisco J, Nemeth JM. Characterizing tobacco and marijuana use among youth combustible tobacco users experiencing homelessness – considering product type, brand, flavor, frequency, and higher-risk use patterns and predictors. BMC Public Health. 2022;22(1):820. Published 2022 Apr 25. doi:10.1186/s12889-022-13244-3 PMCID: PMC9036780
- Mengo C, Nemeth J, Beaujolais B, Colye A, Abukar F. Support Services for Immigrant and Refugee Women of Color Domestic Violence Survivors: Knowledge, Perceptions, and Barriers. J Immigr Refug Stud. 2022.
- Kemble H, Sucaldito A, Kulow E,* Ramirez R,* Hinton A, Glasser A, Wermert A, Nemeth JM. How CARE Tools Are Being Used to Address Brain Injury and Mental Health Struggles With Survivors of Domestic Violence. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2022;37(1):E39-E47. doi:10.1097/HTR.0000000000000745
- Yoon S, Dillard R, Kobulsky J, Nemeth J, Shi Y, Schoppe-Sullivan S. The Type and Timing of Child Maltreatment as Predictors of Adolescent Cigarette Smoking Trajectories. Subst Use Misuse. 2020;55(6):937-946. doi:10.1080/10826084.2020.1713819 PMCID: PMC7374497
- Nemeth JM, Viveiros N, Lynch KR, Anderson TS, Fisher B. Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Coercion: Measurement Invariance in a Population-Based Sample of Male and Female High School Students [published online ahead of print, 2019 Aug 28]. J Fam Violence. 2019;10.1007/s10896-019-00092-w. doi:10.1007/s10896-019-00092-w PMCID: PMC7178927
- Nemeth JM, Mengo C, Kulow E,* Brown A, Ramirez R.* Provider Perceptions and Domestic Violence (DV) Survivor Experiences of Traumatic and Anoxic-Hypoxic Brain Injury: Implications for DV Advocacy Service Provision. J Aggress Maltreat Trauma. 2019;28(6):744-763. doi: 10.1080/10926771.2019.1591562
- Nemeth JM, Thomson TL, Lu B, Peng J, Krebs V, Doogan NJ, Ferketich AK, Post DM, Browning CR, Paskett ED, Wewers ME. A social-contextual investigation of smoking among rural women: multi-level factors associated with smoking status and considerations for cessation. Rural Remote Health. 2018;18(1):4338. doi:10.22605/RRH4338 PMCID: PMC6615046
- Nemeth JM, Cooper S, Wermert A, Shoben A, Wewers ME. The relationship between type of telephone service and smoking cessation among rural smokers enrolled in quitline tobacco dependence treatment. Prev Med Rep. 2017;8:226-231. Published 2017 Nov 8. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2017.10.010 PMCID: PMC5683664
- Wewers ME, Shoben A, Conroy S, Curry E, Ferketich AK, Murray DM, Nemeth J, Wermert A. Effectiveness of Two Community Health Worker Models of Tobacco Dependence Treatment Among Community Residents of Ohio Appalachia. Nicotine Tob Res. 2017;19(12):1499-1507. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntw265 PMCID: PMC5896470
- Nemeth JM, Bonomi AE, Lu B, Lomax RG, Wewers ME. Risk Factors for Smoking in Rural Women: The Role of Gender-Based Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2016;25(12):1282-1291. doi:10.1089/jwh.2015.5640 PMCID: PMC5175431
- Bonomi AE, Anderson ML, Nemeth J, Rivara FP, Buettner C. History of dating violence and the association with late adolescent health. BMC Public Health. 2013;13:821. Published 2013 Sep 10. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-821 PMCID: PMC3847300
- Nemeth JM, Liu ST, Klein EG, Ferketich AK, Kwan MP, Wewers ME. Factors influencing smokeless tobacco use in rural Ohio Appalachia. J Community Health. 2012;37(6):1208-1217. doi:10.1007/s10900-012-9556-x PMCID: PMC4298853
Nemeth JM, Bonomi AE, Lee MA, Ludwin JM. Sexual infidelity as trigger for intimate partner violence. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2012;21(9):942-949. doi:10.1089/jwh.2011.3328