Kathryn Lancaster, PhD, MPH

Adjunct Associate Professor


Kathryn Lancaster, PhD, MPH


1841 Neil Ave.
334 Cunz Hall
Columbus, OH 43210
Email: lancaster.111@osu.edu
Phone: 614-292-9916
View CV
Website: https://u.osu.edu/ignite/

Dr. Lancaster is an infectious disease and substance use epidemiologist who focuses on reducing global health disparities among populations made vulnerable, particularly those who engage in sex work and people who use drugs. Her research examines and evaluates interventions addressing the interrelationships between gender, substance use (e.g., drugs and alcohol), and blood-borne and sexually-transmitted infections. Dr. Lancaster’s work has resulted in over 50 peer-reviewed papers featured numerous journals, including the Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS)LancetInternational Journal of Drug PolicyPLoS One, and the Journal of Medical Ethics. She has received funding as a Principal Investigator (PI), site PI, and study PI through NIDA, NIMH, NIAID, and NCATS. Since 2017, Dr. Lancaster has chaired the Substance Use Working Group within the International Epidemiological Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) Network, working with IeDEA regional representatives as well as program staff from NIAID, NIMH, NICHD, NIAAA, and NIDA, to generate real-world evidence on substance use and HIV reporting. She also teach courses on global health, epidemiological methods, scientific writing, study design, and grant development.

Current funded research:

  • Principal Investigator, K01 DA048174: The role of injection partnerships and preferences for reducing HCV risk: Giving a voice to young women in rural Appalachia
  • Principal Investigator, R21DA053708: Measuring resilience to intersectional stigma for people who inject drugs in need of HIV prevention
  • Site Principal Investigator; MPIs: Korthuis/Young, U01TR002631: Peer-based Retention Of people who Use Drugs in Rural Research (PROUD-R2)
  • Co-Investigator, MPIs: Anastos/Nash/Yotebieng, U01AI096299: Central Africa International Epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS (CA-IeDEA)
  • Co-Investigator, MPIs: Go/Miller; R01DA047876: Scaling up HPTN 074: A Cluster Randomized Implementation Trial of an Evidence-Based Intervention for Antiretroviral Therapy for PWID in Vietnam
  • Co-Investigator, PI: Bunger; R34DA046913: Collaborating to implement cross-system interventions in child welfare and substance use