Research Professor

I knew from a very young age that I wanted to work in a laboratory. I was also raised in a family that placed a heavy emphasis on moral behavior and choosing a vocation that contributes to making the world a better place. The College of Public Health connects me with the top-notch people and resources needed to inform regulatory decision-making and achieve the overarching goal of enhancing public health. In my role, I’ve come to see the scientific method as one of the strongest tools we have to guide us as we navigate our societal well-being. The college also strongly supports mentorship of the next generation of diverse scientists, which allows me to joyfully repay the debt I owe to all of my mentors.
1841 Neil Ave.
359-F Cunz Hall
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-688-3226
Marielle has over 28 years of experience conducting human exposure assessment research, including a special focus on the use of non-invasive exhaled breath analysis to inform tobacco regulatory control for the last 17 years. She has designed, fabricated and validated a research-grade waterpipe for use in human topography measurement and estimated active and passive toxicant exposures resulting from waterpipe tobacco smoking.
Marielle has lectured internationally and nationally on a variety of tobacco regulatory topics, including how testing protocols and waterpipe design and components influence toxicant emissions. She contributes to international tobacco regulation as an active participant in the World Health Organization Tobacco Regulatory Laboratory (WHO TobLabNet) and has co-authored four WHO reports providing recommendations on waterpipe and other tobacco product emissions testing.
Marielle has and is currently leading several federally funded projects specific to waterpipe use, including an R01 grant evaluating optimal placement and content of health warning labels; an R01 grant quantifying the effect of WP tobacco ingredients on human puffing, exposures and appeal; an FDA contract to measure the harmful and potentially harmful constituent (HPHC) content of waterpipe tobacco-use waste products; and a Center grant (P50) that includes standardizing methods to measure waterpipe smoke emissions.
She is affiliated with the University of Maryland Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science.
- B.S., Chemistry, University of Illinois, 1987
Mikheev VB, Buehler SS, Brinkman MC, Granville CA, Lane TE, Clark PI. The application of commercially available mobile cigarette topography devices for e-cigarette vaping behavior measurements. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2018, under review.
AL Aaraj L, Brinkman MC, Saliba NA. Waterpipe tobacco content and emissions: A review of evidence and recommendations for future regulations and standard testing protocols. World Health Organization, 2018, in press.
Brinkman MC, Stepanov I. Report on new priority list of testing of selected contents and emissions in combusted tobacco products. World Health Organization, 2018, in press.
Hamad SH, Johnson NM, Tefft ME, Brinkman MC, Gordon SM, Clark PI, Buehler SS. Comparison of Little Cigars to 3R4F Reference Cigarettes: Physical Properties and Semivolatile HPHCs. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 2017; 3(4):459-78.
Kim H, Lim J, Buehler SS, Brinkman MC, Johnson NM, Wilson, L, & Cross KM. Role of Sweet and Other Flavors in Liking and Disliking of Electronic Cigarettes. Tobacco Control. 2016 Nov;25(Suppl 2):ii55-ii61. PubMed PMID: 27708124.
Kim H, Brinkman MC, Sharma E, Gordon SM, Clark PI. 2016. Variability in puff topography and exhaled CO in waterpipe tobacco smoking. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 2(4), pp.301-308.
Crenshaw MD, Tefft ME, Buehler SS, Brinkman MC, Clark PI, Gordon SM. Determination of Nicotine, Glycerol, Propylene Glycol and Water in Electronic Cigarette Fluids Using Quantitative 1H NMR. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2016; 54(11), 901-904.
Mikheev VB, Brinkman MC, Granville CA, Gordon SM, Clark PI. (2016). Real-time measurement of electronic cigarette aerosol size distribution and metals content analysis. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, ntw128.
Klupinski TP, Strozier ED, Friedenberg DA, Brinkman MC, Gordon SM, Clark PI. Identification of New and Distinctive Exposures from Little Cigars. Chem Res Toxicol. 2016 Feb 15;29(2):162-8. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.5b00371. Epub 2016 Jan 21. PubMed PMID: 26605856
WHO TobReg: report on the scientific basis of tobacco product regulation: 6th report of a WHO study group (in press): Brinkman M and Shihadeh A. Section 5: Waterpipe Toxicant Content and Emissions; Brinkman M, Klerx W, Shihadeh A, Talhout R and Zaatari G. Section 6: Applicability and adaptability of the WHO Tobacco Laboratory Network standard operating procedures for cigarettes to waterpipe tobacco.
Brinkman MC, Kim H, Gordon SM, Kroeger RR, Reyes IL, Deojay DM, Chitwood C, Lane TE, Clark PI. Design and validation of a research-grade waterpipe equipped with puff topography analyzer. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2015 Sep 16;18(5):785-93. DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntv180
Brinkman MC, Kim H, Chuang JC, Kroeger RR, Deojay D, Clark PI, and Gordon SM. Comparison of true and smoothed puff profile replication on smoking behavior and mainstream smoke emissions. Chem Res Toxicol 2015; PMID: 25536227.
Gray DL, Wallace LA, Brinkman MC, Buehler SS, La Londe C. Respiratory and Cardiovascular Effects of Metals in Ambient Particulate Matter: A Critical Review. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2015; 234:135-203.
MacGregor IC, Stanfill SB, Gordon SM, Turner DJ, Butler JM, Hanft EA, Kim H, Kroeger RR, Brinkman MC, Tefft ME, Clark PI, Buehler SS. Custom Mentholation of Commercial Cigarettes for Research Purposes. Toxicology Reports 2014.…
Silva LK, Backer LC, Ashley DL, Gordon SM, Brinkman MC, Nuckols JR. Wilkes CR, and Blount BC. The influence of physicochemical properties on the internal dose of trihalomethanes in humans following a controlled showering exposure. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2012;23(1):39–45.
Brinkman MC, Chuang JC, Gordon SM, Kim H, Kroeger RR, and Richter PA. Exposure to and deposition of fine and ultrafine particles in smokers of menthol and nonmenthol cigarettes. Inhal Toxicol 2012;24(5):255–269.
Gordon SM, Brinkman MC, Meng RQ, Anderson GM, Chuang JC, Kroeger RR, Reyes IL, and Clark PI. Effect of cigarette menthol content on mainstream smoke emissions. Chem Res Toxicol 2011;24(10):1744–1753.
Bernert JT, Gordon SM, Jain RB, Brinkman MC, Sosnoff CS, et al. Increases in tobacco exposure biomarkers measured in non-smokers exposed to sidestream cigarette smoke under controlled conditions. Biomarkers 2009;14(2):82–93.
Stout DM II, Bradham KD, Egeghy PP, Jones PA, Croghan CW, Ashley PA, Pinzer E, Friedman W, Brinkman MC, Nishioka MG, and Cox D. American Healthy Homes Survey: A national study of residential pesticides measured from floor wipes. Environ Sci Technol 2009;43(12):4294–4300.
Backer LC, Lan Q, Blount BC, Nuckols JR, Branch R, Lyu CW, Kieszak SM, Brinkman MC, Gordon SM, Flanders WD, Romkes M, and Cantor KP. Exogenous and endogenous determinants of blood trihalomethane levels after showering. Environ Health Perspect 2008 Jan;116(1):57–63.
Gordon SM, Brinkman MC, Ashley DL, Blount BC, Lyu C, Masters J, and Singer PC. Changes in breath trihalomethane levels resulting from household water-use activities. Environ Health Perspect 2006;114:514–521.
Nishioka MG, Lewis RG, Brinkman MC, and Burkholder HM. Foot transfer of lawn-applied pesticides from turf to carpet: comparison of semivolatile chlorpyrifos with nonvolatile chlorothalonil. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 2002;68(1):64–71.
Gordon SM, Wallace LA, Brinkman MC, Callahan PJ, and Kenny DV. Volatile organic compounds as breath biomarkers for active and passive smoking. Environ Health Perspect July 2002;110:689–698.