Instructional Design Coordinator

I love to make learning happen anyway and anywhere I can. My goal is to make learning accessible to everyone with courses and professional development opportunities that are custom-tailored to the learners' unique needs. I strive to create high-quality learning opportunities that enhance their personal and professional growth of the learner. I am a dedicated, experienced LMS course creator and lover of all things Google, with a Master of Education degree in Adult and Organizational Learning. I am also a boat-load of fun. In a previous life, I was nationally-certified American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter.
355 Cunz Hall
1841 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-2303
Margaret is responsible for creating engaging learning activities and compelling course content that helps learners acquire knowledge, skills and competencies in an effective and appealing manner, through a variety of modalities. She applys best practices in instructional design theories, practice and methods to course design, and design courses based on the Quality Matters™ framework. She also collaborates with faculty to establish course objectives, identify students’ needs, determine optimal delivery methods, and assist in the development of course content and course evaluation.
- Master of Education, Adult and Organizational Learning, Northeastern University, 2010
- Bachelor of Science, Speech Pathology and Audiology, SUNY Fredonia
- Associates of Applied Science in American Sign Language and Interpretation