Mary Ellen Wewers, PhD, MPH

Professor Emerita

Health Behavior and Health Promotion

Mary Ellen Wewers, PhD, MPH


1841 Neil Ave.
400C Cunz Hall
Columbus, OH, 43210
Phone: 614-292-3137
View CV

Dr. Wewers' research specialty is tobacco cessation with special interests in underserved populations. She has conducted NIH-funded tobacco-related research since the late 1980s. She served as a member of the Expert Panel for the USPHS Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence Clinical Practice Guideline. She was the Co-Principal Investigator for the Ohio State University Center for Excellence in Regulatory Tobacco Science (funded by the National Cancer Institute (1P50CA180908 (MPI: Wewers/Shields) 2013-2019). Dr. Wewers has published widely in the area of tobacco control and in 2006, was named a fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Her current research includes observational and intervention studies in Ohio Appalachia.