Health Behavior and Health Promotion

Cunz Hall, Room 359B
1841 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH, 43210
Phone: 614-292-4803
Dr. Reiter's research addresses cancer prevention and control through two main thematic areas, cancer screening and vaccination. Both health behaviors are effective strategies for reducing disease burden, yet remain underutilized. He is particularly interested in examining the determinants of engaging in these behaviors and designing programs to increase their use.
Colorectal Cancer, Cancer, Uterine Cervical Cancer, Anus Cancer, Papillomavirus Infections, Mouth Cancer, Condylomata Acuminata, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Cancer Control Education Program, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina
- Ph.D., Epidemiology, The Ohio State University
- M.P.H., Epidemiology, University of Minnesota
- B.S., Biology, Bowling Green State University
Advancing Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Delivery: 12 Priority Research Gaps.
Stokley S, Zimet GD, Brewer NT, Gerend MA, Saslow D, Reiter PL, Gilkey MB, Perkins RB, Tiro JA
Acad Pediatr 18 S14-S16 03/01/2018
Outsmart HPV: Acceptability and short-term effects of a web-based HPV vaccination intervention for young adult gay and bisexual men.
Bauermeister JA, Shoben A, McRee AL, Paskett ED, Katz ML, Reiter PL
Vaccine in press 01/10/2018
Belief About Mandatory School Vaccinations and Vaccination Refusal Among Ohio Appalachian Parents: Do Demographic and Religious Factors, General Health, and Political Affiliation Play a Role?
Krok-Schoen JL, Tatum CM, Bernardo BM, Reiter PL, Richardson MS, Weier RC, Katz ML, Peng J, Paskett ED, Pennell ML
J Rural Health in press 11/14/2017
Recruiting Young Gay and Bisexual Men for a Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Intervention Through Social Media: The Effects of Advertisement Content.
Reiter PL, Katz ML, Bauermeister JA, Shoben AB, Paskett ED, McRee AL
JMIR Public Health Surveill 3 e33 06/02/2017
Correlates of Human Papillomavirus Infection Among a National Sample of Sexual Minority Women.
Branstetter AJ, McRee AL, Reiter PL
J Womens Health (Larchmt) in press 05/09/2017
Receipt of Recommended Adolescent Vaccines Among Youth With Special Health Care Needs.
McRee AL, Maslow GR, Reiter PL
Clin Pediatr (Phila) 56 451-460 05/01/2017
Process Evaluation of Cancer Prevention Media Campaigns in Appalachian Ohio.
Katz ML, Young GS, Reiter PL, Pennell ML, Plascak JJ, Zimmermann BJ, Krieger JL, Slater MD, Tatum CM, Paskett ED
Health Promot Pract 18 201-210 03/01/2017
HPV infection among a population-based sample of sexual minority women from USA.
Reiter PL, McRee AL
Sex Transm Infect 93 25-31 02/01/2017
Effects of an Education Intervention about HPV Self-Testing for Healthcare Providers and Staff.
Presser BE, Katz ML, Shoben AB, Moore D, Ruffin MT, Paskett ED, Reiter PL
J Cancer Educ in press 01/10/2017
School Entry Requirements and Coverage of Nontargeted Adolescent Vaccines.
Moss JL, Reiter PL, Truong YK, Rimer BK, Brewer NT
Pediatrics 138 12/01/2016
Human papillomavirus vaccine and Pap tests on college campuses: How do historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) measure up?
Barnett KS, Shoben AB, McRee AL, Reiter PL, Paskett ED, Katz ML
J Am Coll Health 64 613-618 11/01/2016
Concomitant Adolescent Vaccination in the U.S., 2007-2012.
Moss JL, Reiter PL, Brewer NT
Am J Prev Med 51 693-705 11/01/2016
Perspectives from health-care providers and women about completing human papillomavirus (HPV) self-testing at home.
Katz ML, Zimmermann BJ, Moore D, Paskett ED, Reiter P, Katz ML, Zimmermann BJ, Moore D, Paskett ED, L Reiter P
Women Health in press 1-17 10/04/2016
Socioeconomic and Racial-ethnic Disparities in Prosocial Health Attitudes: The Case of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination for Adolescent Males.
Polonijo AN, Carpiano RM, Reiter PL, Brewer NT
J Health Soc Behav 57 390-406 09/01/2016
Correlates of receiving recommended adolescent vaccines among youth with special health care needs: Findings from a statewide survey.
Reiter PL, McRee AL
Vaccine 34 3125-31 06/08/2016
Collaborative patient-provider communication and uptake of adolescent vaccines.
Moss JL, Reiter PL, Rimer BK, Brewer NT
Soc Sci Med 159 100-7 06/01/2016
Summer Peaks in Uptake of Human Papillomavirus and Other Adolescent Vaccines in the United States.
Moss JL, Reiter PL, Rimer BK, Ribisl KM, Brewer NT
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 25 274-81 02/01/2016
Validation of the Vaccination Confidence Scale: A Brief Measure to Identify Parents at Risk for Refusing Adolescent Vaccines.
Gilkey MB, Reiter PL, Magnus BE, McRee AL, Dempsey AF, Brewer NT
Acad Pediatr 16 42-9 01/01/2016
Job Talks and Interviews: How to Stand Out and Fit In: A Report from the American Society of Preventive Oncology Junior Members Interest Group.
Reeves KW, Tehranifar P, Crane TE, Ko LK, Cameron C, Hamilton JG, Lavigne JA, Reiter PL, Thomson CA
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 25 224-5 01/01/2016
Vaccination Confidence and Parental Refusal/Delay of Early Childhood Vaccines.
Gilkey MB, McRee AL, Magnus BE, Reiter PL, Dempsey AF, Brewer NT
PLoS One 11 e0159087 01/01/2016
Results of a Multilevel Intervention Trial to Increase Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Uptake among Adolescent Girls.
Paskett ED, Krok-Schoen JL, Pennell ML, Tatum CM, Reiter PL, Peng J, Bernardo BM, Weier RC, Richardson MS, Katz ML
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 25 593-602 01/01/2016
Cervical cancer screening (Pap testing) behaviours and acceptability of human papillomavirus self-testing among lesbian and bisexual women aged 21-26 years in the USA.
Reiter PL, McRee AL
J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 41 259-64 10/01/2015
Adherence to Multiple Cancer Screening Tests among Women Living in Appalachia Ohio.
Katz ML, Reiter PL, Young GS, Pennell ML, Tatum CM, Paskett ED
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 24 1489-94 10/01/2015
Gay and Bisexual Men's Willingness to Use a Self-Collected Anal Cancer Screening Test.
Thompson JA, Reiter PL, McRee AL, Moss JL, Brewer NT
J Low Genit Tract Dis 19 354-61 10/01/2015
HPV vaccine for teen boys: Dyadic analysis of parents' and sons' beliefs and willingness.
Moss JL, Reiter PL, Brewer NT
Prev Med 78 65-71 09/01/2015
Acceptability of home-based chlamydia and gonorrhea testing among a national sample of sexual minority young adults.
McRee AL, Esber A, Reiter PL
Perspect Sex Reprod Health 47 3-10 03/01/2015
Correlates of human papillomavirus vaccine coverage: a state-level analysis.
Moss JL, Reiter PL, Brewer NT
Sex Transm Dis 42 71-5 02/01/2015
Acceptability of Home-Based Chlamydia And Gonorrhea Testing Among a National Sample Of Sexual Minority Young Adults.
McRee AL, Esber A, Reiter PL
Perspect Sex Reprod Health in press 01/30/2015
Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among Young Adult Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States.
Reiter PL, McRee AL, Katz ML, Paskett ED
Am J Public Health 105 96-102 01/01/2015
Testing Interventions to Motivate and Educate (TIME): A multi-level intervention to improve colorectal cancer screening.
Krok-Schoen JL, Young GS, Pennell ML, Reiter PL, Katz ML, Post DM, Tatum CM, Paskett ED
Prev Med Rep 2 306-313 01/01/2015
Effects of a Presidential Candidate's Comments on HPV Vaccine.
Zucker RA, Reiter PL, Mayer MK, Brewer NT
J Health Commun 20 783-9 01/01/2015
A Media and Clinic Intervention to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in Ohio Appalachia.
Krok-Schoen JL, Katz ML, Oliveri JM, Young GS, Pennell ML, Reiter PL, Plascak JJ, Slater MD, Krieger JL, Tatum CM, Paskett ED
Biomed Res Int 2015 943152 01/01/2015
Predictors of resolution in navigated patients with abnormal cancer screening tests.
Reiter PL, Katz ML, Young GS, Paskett ED
J Community Support Oncol 12 431-8 12/01/2014
The Vaccination Confidence Scale: a brief measure of parents' vaccination beliefs.
Gilkey MB, Magnus BE, Reiter PL, McRee AL, Dempsey AF, Brewer NT
Vaccine 32 6259-65 10/29/2014
Early adoption of the human papillomavirus vaccine among Hispanic adolescent males in the United States.
Reiter PL, Brewer NT, Gilkey MB, Katz ML, Paskett ED, Smith JS
Cancer 120 3200-7 10/15/2014
HPV vaccination among lesbian and bisexual women: Findings from a national survey of young adults.
McRee AL, Katz ML, Paskett ED, Reiter PL
Vaccine 32 4736-42 08/20/2014
Development and initial feedback about a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine comic book for adolescents.
Katz ML, Oldach BR, Goodwin J, Reiter PL, Ruffin MT 4th, Paskett ED
J Cancer Educ 29 318-24 06/01/2014
Provider-verified HPV vaccine coverage among a national sample of Hispanic adolescent females.
Reiter PL, Gupta K, Brewer NT, Gilkey MB, Katz ML, Paskett ED, Smith JS
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 23 742-54 05/01/2014
What parents and adolescent boys want in school vaccination programs in the United States.
Shah PD, McRee AL, Reiter PL, Brewer NT
J Adolesc Health 54 421-7 04/01/2014
Acceptability of HPV vaccine for males and preferences for future education programs among Appalachian residents.
Reiter PL, Oldach BR, Randle KE, Katz ML
Am J Mens Health 8 167-74 03/01/2014
Adherence to Multiple Cancer Screening Tests among Appalachian Women.
Katz M, Young G, Pennell M, Reiter P, Paskett E
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 23 564 03/01/2014
Evaluation of an intervention providing HPV vaccine in schools.
Stubbs BW, Panozzo CA, Moss JL, Reiter PL, Whitesell DH, Brewer NT
Am J Health Behav 38 92-102 01/01/2014
Barriers reported among patients with breast and cervical abnormalities in the patient navigation research program: impact on timely care.
Katz ML, Young GS, Reiter PL, Battaglia TA, Wells KJ, Sanders M, Simon M, Dudley DJ, Patierno SR, Paskett ED
Womens Health Issues 24 e155-62 01/01/2014
Parents' and sons' beliefs in sexual disinhibition after human papillomavirus vaccination.
Mayer MK, Reiter PL, Zucker RA, Brewer NT
Sex Transm Dis 40 822-8 10/01/2013
Longitudinal predictors of human papillomavirus vaccination among a national sample of adolescent males.
Reiter PL, McRee AL, Pepper JK, Gilkey MB, Galbraith KV, Brewer NT
Am J Public Health 103 1419-27 08/01/2013
Validation of self-reported colorectal cancer screening behaviors among Appalachian residents.
Reiter PL, Katz ML, Oliveri JM, Young GS, Llanos AA, Paskett ED
Public Health Nurs 30 312-22 07/01/2013