Parvati Singh, PhD, MPA

Assistant Professor


Parvati Singh

Psychiatric epidemiology helps me understand how we think and function as a population. It allows me to explore fascinating questions like whether, why and how psychiatric outcomes in the population (e.g. anxiety, mood disorders, suicides) change immediately following sudden ambient shocks. The best part about this work is its creative, interdisciplinary nature.


1841 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210

I study how sudden changes in the socioeconomic and health policy environment affect population mental health and health service utilization. I am particularly interested in leveraging natural and quasi-experimental settings for identifying causal antecedents of psychiatric outcomes. I have analyzed a variety of “shocks” including economic recessions, new health policy, expansion of mental health services and individual cash transfers. Much of my work focuses on vulnerable groups such as low-income populations, racial minorities, children and persons with mental disorders.

My international research examines maternal and child health outcomes in India. I have also worked with The World Bank on women empowerment, health and nutrition projects in South Asia.