Chair and Professor

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326 Cunz Hall
Columbus, OH, 43210
Phone: 614-688-3219
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Ohio Policy Evaluation Network
Umoyo wa Thanzi
Dr. Alison Norris is an epidemiologist and a medical doctor who studies sexual and reproductive health with a goal to support reproductive autonomy, excellent reproductive health outcomes and prevention of sexually transmitted infections. She has a particular interest in understanding how policy, endemic disease, social norms, demographic factors, and cultural and institutional structures influence health and disease.
Dr. Norris has been with Ohio State since 2011 and currently chairs the Division of Epidemiology and holds courtesy appointments in the Division of Infectious Diseases and the Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies. As faculty, her goal is to develop, conduct and evaluate epidemiologic and social science research to improve sexual and reproductive health.
To understand how laws and policies impact access to abortion and contraception, she co-leads a collaborative research program called OPEN (Ohio Policy Evaluation Network). With scholars from across Ohio and neighboring states, OPEN produces evidence for health care providers, community stakeholders and lawmakers.
Dr. Norris also co-leads the research steering committee for #WeCount, a national effort housed at the Society of Family Planning. #WeCount measures the impact of the significant changes in abortion care following the 2022 Dobbs v Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization U.S. Supreme Court decision.
Much of her research has been conducted in eastern and southern Africa. Partnering with an interdisciplinary team of scientists and health practitioners at Ohio State and in Malawi, Dr. Norris initiated a research program called Umoyo wa Thanzi (UTHA, Health for Life). The project aims to illuminate how women’s and men’s decision making impacts fertility, family planning, pregnancy, childbirth, and testing and treatment for infectious diseases. With funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and multiple Ohio State grants, the project has carried out five waves of a longitudinal study of more than 1,000 women and their partners.
sexual and reproductive health with a goal of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and improving reproductive outcomes for women and men
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2008-2011
- M.D., Yale University School of Medicine, 2008
- Ph.D., Yale University School of Epidemiology and Public Health, 2006
- B.A., Department of Biology, Yale University, 1994
Turner AN, Klein D, Norris AH, Phillips G, Root E, Wakefield J,Li Z, Lemeshow S, Spahnie M, Luff A, Chu Y, Francis MK, Gallo M, Lindstrom M, Chakraborty P, Para M, Lozanski G, Miller W, Clark S. Prevalence of current and past COVID-19 in Ohio adults. Annals of Epidemiology. 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.annepidem.2021.11.009
Heuerman AC, Bessett D, Antommaria AM, Tolusso L, Smith N, Norris AH, McGowan ML. Experiences of prenatal genetic counselors with abortion regulations in Ohio. Journal of Genetic Counseling. 2021. PMID:34755409 DOI:10.1002/jgc4.1531
Kim E, Singh S, Bommaraju A, Norris AH, Bessett D. “We have to respect that option”: The Abortion Aversion Complex in Safety-Net Healthcare Organizations. Social Science & Medicine. 2021. PMID:34757239 DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114468
Smith MH, Turner AN, Chakraborty P, Hood RB, Bessett D, Gallo MF, Norris AH. Opinions about abortion among reproductive-age women in Ohio. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 2021 [accepted]
Gallo MF, Casterline JB, Chakraborty P, Norris AH, Bessett D, Turner AN. Passage of abortion ban and women’s accurate understanding of abortion legality. American Journal of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 2021. 225(1):63.e1-63.e8. DOI:10.1016/j.ajog.2021.02.009
McGowan ML, Norris AH, Bessett D. Care Churn — Why Keeping Clinic Doors Open Isn’t Enough to Ensure Access to Abortion. New England Journal of Medicine. 2020. 383(6):508-510. DOI:10.1056/NEJMp2013466
Bornstein M, Huber-Krum S, Kaloga M, Norris AH. Messages around contraceptive use and implications in rural Malawi. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 2020. 23(8):1126-1141. DOI:10.1080/13691058.2020.1764625
Norris AH, Chakraborty P, Lang K, Hood R, Hayford S, Keder Lisa, Bessett D, Broscoe M, Norwood C, McGowan M. Abortion Access in Ohio’s Changing Legislative Context. American Journal of Public Health. 2020. 110(8):1228-1234 PMID: 32437269. DOI:10.2105/AJPH.2020.305706
Bornstein M, Gipson JD, Failing G, Banda V, Norris AH. Individual and community-level impact of infertility-related stigma in Malawi. Social Science & Medicine. 2020; 251:112910. DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.112910
Hood RB, Turner AN, Huber-Krum S, Lancaster K, Mwapasa V, Poindexter T, Nampandeni P, Esber A, Norris AH. For Human Papillomavirus Self-Sampling, Stated Willingness Does Not Correspond With Subsequent Uptake by Rural Malawian Women. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2020. 47(4):275-279. PMID: 32168286 DOI:10.1097/olq.0000000000001119
Chakraborty P, Norris AH, Huber-Krum S, Garver S, Hood R, Banda V, Esber A, Carr Reese P, Krysiak R, Norris Turner A. An Assessment of Risk Factors for HSV-2 Infection in Malawian Women and Men Using Two Classifications for the HerpeSelect 2 Test. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2020. 47(3):192-196. PMID: 31876866. DOI:10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001121
Harrington BJ,TurnerAN, Chemey E, EsberA, KwiekJJ, Norris AH. Who has yet to test? A risk score for predicting never having tested for HIV among women and men in rural Malawi. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2019
Norris AH, Rao N,Huber-KrumS, Garver S, Chemey E, Turner AN. Scarcity mindset in reproductive health decision making: A qualitative study from rural Malawi. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 2018
Norris AH, Pritt N, Berlan E. Can pediatricians provide long acting reversible contraception? Journal of Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology. 2018
Coast E, Norris AH, Moore A, Freeman E.Trajectories of women's abortion-related care: a conceptual framework. Social Science & Medicine. 2018
Esber A, Norris AH, Jumbe E, Kandodo J, Nampandeni P, Reese PC, Turner AN. Feasibility, validity and acceptability of self-collected samples for human papillomavirus (HPV) testing in rural Malawi. Malawi Medical Journal. 2018
Loewenberg Weisband Y*, Klebanoff M, Gallo M, Shoben A, Norris AH. Birth outcomes of women using a midwife versus physician for prenatal care. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health. 2018
Rao N, Esber A, Turner AN, Mowpia G, Banda J, Norris AH. Infertility and self-rated health among Malawian women. Women and Health. 2017
Thomas R, Norris A, Gallo M. Anti-legal attitude toward abortion among abortion patients in the U.S. Contraception.2017
Alkhalaileh D, Hayford SR, Norris AH, Gallo MF. Prevalence and attitudes on female genital mutilation/cutting in Egypt since criminalisation 2008. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 2017
Huber S, Esber A, Garver S, Banda V, Norris A.The Relationship Between Ambivalent and Indifferent Pregnancy Desires and Contraceptive Use Among Malawian Women. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. 2017
Norris AH, Decker M, Loewenberg Weisband J, Hindin M. Reciprocal physical intimate partner violence is associated with prevalent STI/HIV among male Tanzanian migrant workers: a cross-sectional study. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2017
Norris AH, Loewenberg Weisband J, Wiles M, Ickovics J. Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among Tanzanian migrants: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of STD and AIDS. 2017
Rao N, Esber A, Turner A,, Chilewani J, Banda, V, Norris A. Who decides? Joint decision making leads to better obstetric choices. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2016
Norris A, Harrington B, Hemed M, Grossman D, Hindin M. Causes and consequences of induced abortion among a community-based snowball sample of Zanzibari women. Reproductive Health. 2016
Norris A, Hachey K, Curtis A, Bourdeaux M. Crippling violence: correlations of violence and polio incidence in Afghanistan. Plos ONE. 2016
Bessett D, Gerdts C, Littman L, Kavanaugh M, Norris A. Does State-Level Context Matter for Individual’s Knowledge about Abortion, Legality, and Health? Challenging the “Red States v. Blue States” Hypothesis. Culture, Health and Sexuality. 2015
Esber A, Foraker R, Hemed M, Norris A. Partner approval and intention to use contraception among women presenting for post-abortion care at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital, Zanzibar. Contraception. 2014
Gallo M, Norris A, Turner AN. Female condoms: New choices, old questions. Commentary in The Lancet Global Health. 2013
Kavanaugh M, Bessett D, Norris A, Littman L. Connecting knowledge about abortion and sexual and reproductive health to belief about abortion restrictions: findings from an online survey. Women’s Health Issues. 2013
Norris Turner A, Paul P, and Norris A. Limited benefit of repeating a sensitive question in a cross-sectional sexual health study. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2013
Norris A and Worby E. The sexual economy of sugar: AIDS and privatization on a Tanzanian plantation, American Ethnologist. 2012
Norris A, Bessett D, Steinberg J, Kavanaugh M, DeZordo S, and Becker D. Abortion Stigma: A Reconceptualization of Constituents, Causes, and Consequences. Women’s Health Issues. 2011
Norris A, Kitali A, and Worby E. Alcohol and transactional sex: How risky is the mix? Social Science and Medicine. 2009