Julie Robbins, PhD

Clinical Professor

Health Services Management and Policy

Julie Robbins, PhD


Cunz Hall, 359G
1841 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH, 43210
Email: robbins.11@osu.edu
Phone: 614-292-1428

Julie Robbins, Ph.D., Associate Clinical Professor, holds an MPA (1992), MHA (1993), and Ph.D. in health services management and policy (2013) from The Ohio State University.   Over the last 20 years, Dr. Robbins has held leadership roles and been responsible for strategy development in a variety of public and private sector health care organizations.  Her teaching interests and experience include healthcare  strategy, management, human resources and introduction to health services, and policy.  Her published research includes best practices for improving quality in healthcare delivery, including:  electronic health record implementation, patient safety, and strategic human resource management.