Course Catalog

The College of Public Health list of course descriptions is not meant as a replacement to the official University Course Catalog created by the University Registrar, however it represents all courses offered by the College of Public Health. Courses numbered 4000 and below are undergraduate level, courses numbered 5000 level are undergraduate/graduate, and courses 6000 level and higher are graduate level.

Helpful course terminology:

PUBHBIO = Public Health Biostatistics
PUBHEHS = Public Health: Environmental Health Sciences
PUBHEPI = Public Health: Epidemiology
PUBHHBP = Public Health: Health Behavior and Health Promotion
PUBHHMP = Public Health: Health Services Management and Policy
PUBHLTH = Public Health


Credits: 3

Climate Change, Sustainability and Human Health

Students taking this course will critically evaluate how international, national, regional, state, and local sustainability goals will work synergistically with climate change policy that is designed to mitigate the public health impacts from the effects of climate change and improve climate change adaptation or reduce community vulnerability and increase community resilience to climate change. 

GEN theme sustainability course.

Prerequisites: None.
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Credits: 3

Climate Change and Human Health

Global climate change may have considerable direct and indirect impacts on human health. This course will be based on scientific facts, focusing on both natural phenomena and anthropogenic activities, with emphasis on associations between disease initiation and progression in humans. Formerly listed as PUBHEHS 5320.

Prerequisites: None
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