Students must submit a transfer credit petition to the instructor of the course for which the transfer credit is being sought.
The Graduate School stipulates that the following conditions must be satisfied in order to transfer graduate credit [GSH 2.9]:
1. The graduate credit was earned while the student was enrolled as a graduate student at an accredited university (course work from a prior professional program i.e. Medicine, Law, Dentistry, etc.) is not eligible for transfer.
2. The student earned at least a grade of “B” or "Satisfactory" in each course for which credit is to be transferred.
3. The ASGC approves the transfer.
Within the College of Public Health there are additional constraints regarding transfer of graduate credit: (1) the faculty must be satisfied that the transfer credit is of such quality that it does not endanger the integrity of the degree; (2) the transfer must be consistent with any residence requirements for the degree and any transfer policies established for the specific degree program; and (3) courses from unrelated subject areas or courses that were completed so long ago as to be obsolete will not be accepted.
In the case of required courses, the review for transfer of graduate credit approval will be conducted by faculty instructors teaching those courses. In the case of proposed transfer credit for elective courses, the decision will rest with the division or program committee for the student’s area of specialization.
Requests for transfer of credit must be made using the online transfer of graduate credit petition form. Please note the Graduate School Handbook outlines specific rules concerning timing and procedures for transfer credit. Credits should be transferred at the time the student is admitted, but no later than the end of the second term of enrollment. For assistance with the paperwork, students should consult OAPSS.