11. Graduation To-Do Checklist

Failure to complete all the items on this checklist may result in a delay of graduation.

  1. Meet with a College of Public Health academic advisor to apply to graduate by the 3rd Friday of the term prior to the term of graduation.
  2. Check Ohio State Email account regularly.
    The College of Public Health will send important information directly to students Ohio State Buckeyemail email account the term of graduation. Students must have an active Ohio State email account.
  3. Graduation Email
    Students will receive a graduation email during the term of graduation. The email will contain important information and instructions regarding Commencement.
  4. Report post-graduation plans.
    Found a job? Going to grad school? Still looking? Students need to let College of Public Health know. For students still looking for a job, the Office of Career Services can help. Contact them for individual coaching on your resume and interview skills. Other services include on-campus interviews, resume referrals, and job postings.
  5. Run a Degree Audit.
    After a student has registered for classes during their graduation term, they should run a Degree Audit Report from the “Grades and Advising” tab on Buckeye Link. During the term of graduation, all sections of the Degree Audit Report should be highlighted in green, showing "completed" and "in progress" coursework. Any sections highlighted in red should be brought to an advisor’s attention immediately.
  6. Review Commencement Ceremony Information.
    All information about Commencement (graduation attire, parking, rehearsal) can be found at the commencement website. Review the information on this website as it becomes available.
  7. If NOT attending Commencement Ceremony, fill out Absence Form.
    Students not attending the commencement ceremony, are required to submit the Commencement Ceremony Absence Form and submit it to CPH-Graduation@osu.edu 
  8. Notify each instructor that you are a graduating senior.
    The deadline for final grade posting is earlier for graduating seniors than for other students. Make sure that your instructors in your final term know that you are graduating, so they will meet the grade deadline.
  9. Fill out the University Exit Survey when you receive it from the University.
    Students who fail to complete the Exit Survey may not be able to graduate.