Course Catalog

The College of Public Health list of course descriptions is not meant as a replacement to the official University Course Catalog created by the University Registrar, however it represents all courses offered by the College of Public Health. Courses numbered 4000 and below are undergraduate level, courses numbered 5000 level are undergraduate/graduate, and courses 6000 level and higher are graduate level.

Helpful course terminology:

PUBHBIO = Public Health Biostatistics
PUBHEHS = Public Health: Environmental Health Sciences
PUBHEPI = Public Health: Epidemiology
PUBHHBP = Public Health: Health Behavior and Health Promotion
PUBHHMP = Public Health: Health Services Management and Policy
PUBHLTH = Public Health


Credits: 1‐3

Seminar in Biostatistics

Seminar on topics that are relevant to students enrolled in
programs in the Division of Biostatistics.

Prerequisites: Grand standing in Public Health and permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Advanced Longitudinal Data Analysis

Classical and modern statistical approaches for continuous and discrete longitudinal data. Random effects and growth curve models, measurement error, generalized estimating equations, estimation with missing data, multivariate longitudinal data.

Prerequisites: STAT 6802 (622) and 6950 (645). Not open to students with credit for STAT 7470 (726)
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Credits: 3

Advanced Regression Modeling of Time‐to‐Event Data

Advanced topics in survival analysis. Proportional hazards models, parametric regression models, length‐bias and prevalent sampling, multivariate survival analysis, counting
processes, recurrent events.

Prerequisites: STAT 6802 (622) and 6950. Not open to students with credit for 706 or STAT 7605. Cross‐ listed with STAT 7605.
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Credits: 3

Stochastic Epidemic Models

Introduces the basic methods for analyzing large population epidemic data from the viewpoint of the stochastic processes theory. The course will cover the basic SIR (susceptible‐ infective‐removed) epidemic models both under the homogenous and restricted contact structures.

Prerequisites: STAT 6801, 6540 or 7540; or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 1‐3

Doctoral Seminar in Public Health Biostatistics

Seminar for doctoral students in Biostatistics. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs or 9 completions. This course is graded S/U.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
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Credits: 1‐6

Individual Studies in Environmental Health Sciences

Individual studies in Environmental Health Sciences focusing on
applied topics.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor
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Credits: 3

Current Issues in Global Environmental Health

Fundamental concepts and principles of environmental health are presented through a critical review and discussion of current issues in global environmental health.
GEN theme lived environments course.

Prerequisites: none
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Credits: 3

Fundamentals of Environmental Health Risk Assessment

The scientific process used by governmental agencies to evaluate public health threats due to environmental contamination. An orientation to the fundamental and applied components of risk assessment including: hazard identification, toxicology/dose‐response, exposure assessment, and risk

Prerequisites: none
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Credits: 3

Climate Change, Sustainability and Human Health

Students taking this course will critically evaluate how international, national, regional, state, and local sustainability goals will work synergistically with climate change policy that is designed to mitigate the public health impacts from the effects of climate change and improve climate change adaptation or reduce community vulnerability and increase community resilience to climate change. 

GEN theme sustainability course.

Prerequisites: None.
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Credits: 3

Environmental Epigenetics

Epigenetics is an exciting and rapidly growing field of science, with increasing applications in molecular biology, epidemiology and environmental science. Epigenetics is the study of biological mechanisms that will influence exposed host gene expression without altering DNA sequences. Epigenetic patterns of individuals can change over time by different environmental influences that explain a link between nature and nurture. For example, how identical twins with the same genetically information show different susceptibilities to disease. One of the mechanisms is changes in DNA methylation. The course will provide a solid foundation in epigenetics and introduce the basic mechanisms of epigenetic control of gene expression, major laboratory methods, and research applications of in molecular biology, epidemiology, and the environmental sciences.

Prerequisites: Biology 1113 or 1114, or permission of instructor
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Credits: 3

Food Safety and Public Health

Principles and practice of food safety; transmission, inactivation and control of foodborne pathogens, hazards, toxins and allergens; risk assessment, sanitation, and pest control in foods.

Prerequisites: Microbiology 4100 or 4000; or permission from the instructor. Cross listed in FDSCTE 4536
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Credits: 3

Principles of Toxicology

Fundamentals of dose‐response, exposure, disposition and biotransformation of chemicals in mammalian systems; actions
of toxicants in major organ systems.

Prerequisites: Undergraduate section: Minimum Junior Standing or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Principles of Occupational Health Science

Principles and practice of occupational health, including, among other topics, a history of the discipline and in‐depth consideration of occupational hazards and risks, including
types, sources, exposures and health impacts.

Prerequisites: Undergraduate section: Minimum Junior Standing or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Ecology of Infectious Diseases

This course provides an introduction to the ecology of infectious diseases. We will investigate infectious disease transmission and control in single- and multi-host systems and for vector-borne diseases.

Prerequisites: Biology 1101, 1113 or equivalent course or permission of instructor.Cross listed with ENR 5335
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Credits: 3

Air Contaminants and Public Health

Air is essential for human survival, and the degradation of its quality has significant impacts on human health and the environment.

Prerequisites: None
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Credits: 3

Modeling Transmission and Control of Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals

Provides an introduction to applied infectious disease modeling. Students will learn how the susceptible, infected, removed (SIR) model can represent infectious disease transmission.

This course is cross listed with VETPREV 8830.

Prerequisites: Biology 1101, 1113 or equivalent; or permission of instructor.
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PUBHEHS 5395 / ENVENG 5195

Credits: 3

Engineering Design for Environmental health

Students in this course will learn how to incorporate health information into the engineering design process. This material complements risk assessment by focusing on the design of engineering systems. Course will discuss balancing financial, health, performance, and other considerations. Quantitative analysis will be conducted in soil, water, air, buildings, and occupational health scenarios.

Prerequisites: Math 1151,1161.01, or 1161.02, and Chem 1210 or 1250, and enrollment in the CivilEn, EnvEng, or PubHEHS major program; or grad standing; or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Principles of Environmental Health Science

Survey of environmental influences on human health and strategies for prevention considering source emissions, environmental fate and transport, human exposure, dose, and
biological effects.

Prerequisites: Not open to students with credit for 731.
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Credits: 3

Global Health and Environmental Microbiology

Fundamentals and emerging issues of health significant microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa) from water, air, soil and food, and their sources, transmission routes,
treatments, detection methods and study tools.

Prerequisites: Not open to students with credit for 730. Cross listed in FdScTe
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Credits: 3

Climate Change and Human Health

Global climate change may have considerable direct and indirect impacts on human health. This course will be based on scientific facts, focusing on both natural phenomena and anthropogenic activities, with emphasis on associations between disease initiation and progression in humans. Formerly listed as PUBHEHS 5320.

Prerequisites: None
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