MPH Applied Practice Experience

The applied practice experience (APE) is an integral part of the MPH program allowing students to apply what they have learned in the classroom and apply it in a public health setting. Students work closely with the college to find an experience and then with a public health professional to gain valuable public health experience to meet educational and professional growth goals. The 120 hour experience ends with a final report and work products evaluating the APE and how students’ skills have grown.

Applied Practice Experience options

Practicum or Internship

Paid or unpaid, full-time or part-time work to gain applied practice at one of more agencies or organizations, under the guidance of a site preceptor, for a total minimum of 120 hours. Completed during a summer or academic term.

Course-based activities

Performing a needed task for a public health agency or health care organization under the supervision of faculty. May be paid or unpaid, full-time or part-time work for a minimum total of 120 hours.

Activities linked to service learning

Experiential education connected to specific learning outcomes. Meets identified community needs and provides structured time for reflection and connection of the service to learning for a minimum of 120 hours.

Experience in action

public health student and preceptors in applied practice experience

Each year, Public Health students seek out opportunities and make the most of them in the applied practice experience. Read how our students are applying what they’ve learned to experiences that inspire them.

Students in action


Current opportunities

Career Services works directly with organizations at Ohio State and throughout central Ohio to match students with applied practice experience opportunities.


Practice requirements

From the planning stages and planning out your experience, to semester deadlines and what you’ll need to submit in your final report, here’s how you will fulfill the applied practice experience requirements.


Faculty and preceptor information

Important information for faculty advisors and preceptors working with MPH students, including evaluations, deadlines and submitting opportunities.
