Applied Practice Experience Deliverables/Work products

The Applied Practice Experience allows each student to demonstrate attainment of at least five competencies, of which at least three must be foundational and two must be specialization competencies. The college or program assesses each student's competency attainment in practical and applied settings through a portfolio approach which reviews practical, applied demonstration/work products that were produced for the site's use and benefit. Review of the student's performance in the experience is based on at least two practical, non-academic work-products and on validating that the work products demonstrate the student's attainment of the designated competencies.

Work product examples

  • grant proposals
  • training manuals
  • lesson plans
  • surveys
  • memos
  • videos
  • podcasts
  • presentations
  • spreadsheets
  • websites
  • literature reviews
  • data sheets
  • written reports
  • fact Sheets
  • posters
  • communication materials
  • photos (with accompanying explanatory text)
  • project plans
  • other digital artifacts of learning.

Note: Reflection papers, contact log hours, scholarly papers prepared to allow faculty to assess the experience, poster presentations, and other documents required for academic purposes may not be counted toward the minimum of two work products.

The materials may originate from multiple experiences (e.g., applied community-based courses and service-learning courses throughout the curriculum) or single, intensive experience (e.g., an internship requiring a significant time commitment with one site). While students may complete experiences as individuals or as groups in a structured experience each student must present two products demonstrating individual competency attainment.

Combined degree students have the opportunities to integrate and apply their learning from both degree programs through applied practice experiences. The college or program structures applied practice experience requirements to support its mission and students' career goals, to the extent possible.