Health Behavior and Health Promotion - Master of Public Health

The Master of Public Health in health behavior and health promotion will give you the skills and experiences to effectively engage communities and develop programs that create the conditions to keep people healthy.

And with the diversity of population in Central Ohio and throughout the state, there are many opportunities to elevate your education at Ohio State as well as find the area of health behavior and health promotion that is right for you.


Learn more about the Master of Public Health

Sign up for an upcoming information session to get answers to your questions about Ohio State’s Master of Public Health program. Save your spot and learn how you can become a Public Health Buckeye.

Available dates

Mentorship from start to finish

Each student in the program is partnered with faculty who provide individualized attention. Their expertise in the field can help you make the most of your education and launch your public health career.

Professional training to lead better health outcomes

Our Master of Public Health is a two-year, full-time degree program including integrated foundational master’s coursework, specialization courses and the choice of six tracks to further hone your public health expertise.

Applied experiences, integrated learning

Each student completes an Applied Practice Experience working with public health professionals in a myriad of opportunities and an Integrated Learning Experience showing what you have learned.

Jimmy NashWhile my ultimate goal is to become a physician, having this degree in my toolbox will make me a more well-rounded clinician.

Jimmy Nash, MPH Student, Health Behavior and Health Promotion


Degree requirements

Minimum credit hours: 45 
Prerequisites: Bachelor's degree; 3.2 GPA (recommended); statistics course; social and behavioral health course 
Program start: Autumn semester

Deadlines to apply

Dec. 1

priority deadline

Feb. 1

GTA/GRA consideration

May 15

regular deadline



Ready to apply?

Review our application preparation recommendations prior to applying to the master’s program. You will submit your application through SOPHAS, and a supplemental Ohio State application. Priority deadline to apply is February 1 for graduate assistantship consideration.

Prepare your application


Dual degrees

Whether it is getting a deeper understanding of social work or advocating policy, the health behavior and health promotion MPH can be pursued simultaneously with master’s degrees in social work or public affairs. Connect with our advising staff to learn how to pursue a dual degree.

Learn about dual degrees