New Microsoft 365 training resources

Recorded videos are now available for using Microsoft 365 tools.

Links to recorded videos 

These are links to recordings of the online training sessions that were offered in-person in June, which gives a full overview of features for new users and helpful tips and tricks to more experienced users. Please note that these articles are university-specific – directions and user experience might be a little different for users working at The Wexner Medical Center because they have a separate instance of Microsoft 365.

Additional resources:

  • Global Knowledge from CDWg: To purchase credits or obtain information on private or customized classes, contact Ethan DeRubbo at Credits can be purchased per course or in 1-year bundles. Here is their current Microsoft 365 Course Catalog as well as additional offerings
  • GovConnect/Connection: As a member of the Microsoft Global Training Partner program, Connection can help you leverage technology through learning consultants that have undergone official certification to deliver training on Microsoft’s behalf. Details on GovConnect/Connection Training Information can be found here, and here is their current catalog of offerings. To purchase training or obtain information on private or customized classes please contact Cindy Daniels at