Health Policy Institute of Ohio (HPIO): Student Intern
Specialization: Health Behavior and Health Promotion
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Agency Name: Health Policy Institute of Ohio
Agency Location: Association, Foundation, Voluntary, NGO, or other Non-Profit Organization
If you're interested in diving deep into evidence-based health strategies in order to inform policymaking, then HPIO is the place for you!
Major Projects:
HPIO is a non-partisan policy think tank that works on a variety of different contracted projects for state agencies and politicians (I recommend reviewing the publications on their website to get a sense of their work). The office consists of approximately 10 full-time staff who are all working on independent projects, and there is an immense amount of collaboration among the employees. As an HPIO student intern, you will become an integrated member of the office staff and will be asked to assist on a number of projects. You will often receive same-day assignment requests that are time-sensitive for project deliverables. In addition, you will be assigned to one core project to assist with, which you will spend most of your time working on. Potential tasks and activities include: • Proofing written HPIO documents • Quality checking established databases • Creating and analyzing new data sets • Performing reviews of evidence and literature • Attending meetings with policymakers • Running HPIO sponsored events and meetings Overall, HPIO will keep you active and engaged in their work. You will leave this internship with a better sense of how evidence can be used to inform policy.