Epidemiology Intern
Specialization: Epidemiology
Location: Marysville, Ohio
Agency Name: Union County Health Department
Agency Location: Local (county or city) Health Department
I would definitely recommend looking for practicums early, and talking with your advisors and professors about your interests so they can help you find the best fit!
Major Projects:
I was fortunate enough to participate in a variety of activities in my practicum! My main project was writing a Health Equities Report for Union County, Ohio. I also assisted with different vector control and surveillance projects, a prescription safety project, fitting elementary school children for bike helmets, and miscellaneous other tasks. All of these gave me a better appreciation for all that public health is and does on a local level.
I like to be prepared, so I began looking for spring/summer opportunities around mid-fall semester. I discussed my interests with my advisor and what I hoped to gain from my practicum. From this, we discussed some opportunities that were available, including the internship with Union County Health Department (UCHD). I scheduled an interview with UCHD during winter break, and was able to start shadowing and working up there during the spring. I completed my official practicum in the summer semester. Because I started the process early, I had more time and experience at my practicum site.
My experience at UCHD was extremely positive! Everyone there puts students first and encourages their participation in all aspects of public health. I feel this way because I was included in every meeting (including offsite meetings), and was considered a valuable member and voice in those settings. I also was allowed to shadow in other divisions other than epidemiology. For example, one day I shadowed one of our sanitarians, helping inspect a food truck and look into a nuisance complaint. Another time, I worked with other divisions to create a drug disposal fact sheet revolving around a new product called DisposeRx. UCHD considers it their mission to give you the most well-rounded practicum experience possible, while also allowing you to explore your interests. Because of them, I feel like I have a much better understanding of public health and how we in public health work together and positively impact our communities. I would highly recommend UCHD to anyone looking for a practicum, shadowing experience, or a job.