Laila Rhodes

Laila Rhodes

HIV Prevention and Intervention Practicum

Specialization: Health Behavior and Health Promotion
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
Agency Name: Arkansas Department of Health
Agency Location: State Health Department

The practicum truly is what you make it... take the initiative to seek out opportunities and you will find that there are people who are excited and willing to help you have an amazing experience.

Major Projects:

My practicum took place in the the HIV Prevention and Intervention departments of the Infectious Disease Branch at the Arkansas Department of Health. My primary project was to compile known resources for HIV prevention and care throughout the state. I created a streamlined document specific to each public health region in the state so that providers in rural areas would be able to readily access the HIV prevention and care opportunities in their local area. Parts of my document were also used as a required portion of the HIV Integrated Care Plan for 2019-2024.

One of the great opportunities I had during my practicum was getting to participate in the HIV Planning Group meeting. It was during this meeting that I was able to see how the state department works with community members and stakeholders to best reach the target populations. It was a really enriching experience to see how the community is able to give feedback to the state in order to best execute health programs.

Another great opportunity I had was getting to go into the field with a Disease Intervention Specialist. We went to an individual’s home to inform him of his positive disease status and ensure he was linked to care. Through that experience, I was able to see what actual steps are taken by the state in order to contain, monitor, and treat infectious diseases on the ground.

The highlight of my practicum was the opportunity to meet Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the CDC. Dr. Redfield was in Little Rock during my time at the Arkansas Department of Health in order to discuss how Arkansas can work to eliminate HIV as part of President Trump’s initiative to reduce new HIV infections by 75% in the next 5 years. In addition to hearing him speak at the Health Department’s Grand Rounds, I was also given the opportunity to observe the Roundtable Discussion with Dr. Redfield, Dr. Smith, Director of the Arkansas Department of Health, and many community stakeholders.

Overall, my practicum was an amazing opportunity to see public health work in action. I was very blessed to land in a department that bent over backwards to make sure that my experience was a success and that I got every opportunity to learn and do as much as possible.

How did you find your Practicum? When did you start exploring Practicum Opportunities?

I found my practicum by emailing a contact at the Arkansas Health Department. I started looking in the Spring and did not find anything available in Ohio that fit my life and schedule... so I emailed my contact in the Health Department and they were more than willing to work with me and the hours I wanted/needed when I was able to work them. I was in contact with the Arkansas health department from my undergrad experience.