The Master of Public Health in clinical translational science helps allied health professionals and medical students develop the knowledge and skills to broaden their connections between medicine and public health using research and how it will be delivered to care of people through prevention or treatment.
Throughout the program, health scientists harness their specialization expertise and apply clinical translational research design principles with the facets of public health to improve patient care.
Learn more about the Master of Public Health
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Available dates
A curriculum for better care of people
Publish your research
Applied practice experience
Degree requirements
Minimum credit hours: 42
Prerequisites: Post-graduate training in medicine or another health science required; 3.0 GPA (minimum); college-level science and math education
Program start: Autumn semester
Deadlines to apply
Dec. 1
priority deadline
Feb. 1
GTA/GRA consideration
May 15
regular deadline
Get your application ready
We have a prepared list of requirements to apply for graduate study in the College of Public Health. Once you have the application requirements, apply for admission through SOPHAS, and a supplemental Ohio State application. Priority deadline to apply is February 1 for graduate assistantship consideration.