Experiences for Community of Inclusion

Below are lists of articles, videos and trainings available to you to help increase your awareness and education about diversity and inclusion. These learning experiences are eligible for the Community of Inclusion program. After completing an experience, make sure to submit it to the program Carmen site to record your progress through the program levels.

Title Website

“That's Not What I Meant:" Not-So-Smart Things Well-Intended People Say in the Workplace

2-hour in-person workshop based on the book by 35 Dumb Things Well-Intended People Say. These statements, though well intended, can often widen the diversity gap.  This workshop provides participants further insight regarding what are often perceived as harmless statements, but in fact can cause harm.

Buckeye Learn

Building Multigenerational Teams: Cultivating Community Across Generations

20-minute online course to help employees and managers harness the diverse perspectives of multigenerational teams and foster a positive and inclusive culture across generations. 

Buckeye Learn

Disabilities Etiquette

A 90-minute instructor-led workshop examining stereotypes associated with common disabilities and illustrating the participants’ emotional reactions to specific disabilities.

Buckeye Learn

Transforming Workplace Culture: Identifying and Addressing Implicit Bias

In this 2-hour in-person workshop, participants will build foundational knowledge and skills to understand, identify and address implicit bias in the workplace.

Buckeye Learn

Diversity Basics

A 20-minute online course that provides a common language and framework for understanding diversity, equity and inclusion. It offers clear definitions, historical context and interactive scenarios to apply what you learn. This introductory module is designed to ensure all staff have the foundational knowledge necessary to support diversity and inclusion across the university.

Buckeye Learn

Diversity in the Workplace: Respectful & Productive Dialogue

This workshop is designated for: People Leaders, Operational Leaders, and Senior Leaders. This workshop will introduce diversity concepts to include isms and personal histories. This interactive workshop will offer strategies for dealing with difficult conversations with staff regarding diversity issues. This workshop satisfies these leadership competencies: Service Orientation; Effective Communication & Interpersonal Skills; and Managing Conflict.

Buckeye Learn

Inclusive Leadership

This 2.5-hour instructor-led workshop for managers provides a framework for dialogue around effective leadership in a more diverse and multicultural environment. This workshop is interactive with small group discussion as well as self-reflection. This workshop provides participants with the awareness, tools and skills to make inclusion a priority.

Buckeye Learn

Did They Really Just Say That?! Responding to Bias in the Classroom

Have you ever been in a class discussion when a student said something biased, but you were not sure how to respond as the instructor?  As educators, we must be empowered to take action when bias manifests in our classrooms so that we can build inclusive connections. This session will incorporate research related to the bystander effect, microaggressions, perceptions of bias in college classrooms, and benefits of creating inclusive learning environments.

University Institute for Teaching and Learning

Supporting International Diversity in the Classroom at the Younkin Success Center

Ohio State educates thousands of international undergraduate students each year. While they are dedicated and high-performing students, they can struggle to adapt to cultural differences in teaching and learning. In this workshop, we will consider the academic needs of international students.

University Institute for Teaching and Learning

International Student Experience Workshop Series:
Pre-Arrival, Check-In, and Orientation; Cultural Adjustment and Academics; Career Expectations

To educate faculty and staff about how they can work more effectively with the international student population, the Office of International Affairs developed the International Student Experience Workshop Series.

The workshop has three sessions that cover three large themes: Pre-Arrival and Check-In and Orientation, Cultural Adjustment and Academics and Academics and Career Expectations.

Each workshop is offered twice, and you only need to choose one to attend. Those who complete the three-part series will receive a training certificate from the Office of International Affairs. There is no cost to register, and light refreshments will be provided during each workshop.

University Institute for Teaching and Learning

REACH Training

Anyone can help prevent suicide by learning the risks, warning signs, and how to intervene. REACH© is the name of the OSU suicide prevention gatekeeper training program designed to help the OSU community prevent suicide by teaching faculty, staff and students how to recognize warning signs, engage with empathy, ask directly about suicide, communicate hope, and help suicidal individuals to access care and treatment.


Safe Zone Training

The Safe Zone project aims to create a more welcoming and more inclusive campus environment, to strengthen community and to encourage networking among faculty, staff and students toward the goal of supporting the diverse individuals and communities with minoritized sexual and/or gender identities.

The Safe Zone Project addresses the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual and pansexual (LGBTQ+) people.

The Ohio State University Suicide Prevention Program

Social Change Workshops – Topics Vary

Student Life Social Change tailors various workshops and presentations for campus and community partners based on the need and audience. All of our presentations are meant to be engaging, active, and high energy while tackling some heavy topics. Our scope of presentation includes, but not limited to, I am Social Change, Examining the Social Change Leadership model and Servant Leadership Theory, Poverty and Education Inventory, Implicit Bias, Authenticity, Self-care, and more. Please submit your request below using the hyperlink and we will respond to you within 3 business days to confirm your request has been processed.

Center for Belonging and Social Change

Implicit Bias Module Series

Also known as implicit social cognition, implicit bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner. These biases, which encompass both favorable and unfavorable assessments, are activated involuntarily and without an individual’s awareness or intentional control. Residing deep in the subconscious, these biases are different from known biases that individuals may choose to conceal for the purposes of social and/or political correctness. Rather, implicit biases are not accessible through introspection.

Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity

Advocates and Allies for Equity

To help create a more equitable environment and advance the professional interests of women faculty and staff and other underrepresented groups in your unit/department, we invite you to participate in the Ohio State Advocates & Allies for Equity initiative. This program is designed to bring men further into the gender equity equation by building a cross-campus network of male Allies who share an understanding of the effects of implicit bias and systematic privilege and to introduce specific practical actions to help men better support women at the university.

Advocates, senior male faculty and administrators who already have a substantial record of supporting women staff and faculty, will lead the program. To begin with, Advocates will lead facilitated conversations or facilitations with other men to expose them to ways of better identifying and behaving as Allies in gender equity. These groups will share evidence-based knowledge, skills and strategies to effect positive personal, departmental and institutional change.

The Women's Place