Advocates and Allies for Equity ally workshops

Help create a culture in which all can thrive at Ohio State.

The Women’s Place invites you to attend an in-person ally workshop Dec. 10 and help create a culture in which all can thrive and contribute fully at Ohio State. As the primary participants in this program, male colleagues share and learn about how to create a more inclusive and equitable culture for women colleagues and minoritized groups while holding each other accountable for growth. Led by and for men*, these sessions aim to offer a safe and supportive space for participating in critical conversations.

Male campus leaders, called advocates, will lead these ally workshops. In this NSF-supported approach, participants will learn about gender bias and microaggressions, evidence-based strategies to interrupt them and ways to contribute to positive changes on Ohio State's campuses.

If you have already attended an ally workshop, please share these opportunities with your colleagues.

*The Women's Place welcomes transgender and nonbinary people who feel comfortable in a setting focused on men’s transformational learning to participate as both advocates and allies. Workshops are open to people of all genders.

Learn more about the initiative.