Extension Public Health AmeriCorps recruiting new members

E-PHAC is a collaboration between The Ohio State University Extension, the College of Public Health, the College of Education and Human Ecology and the Citizenship Health Institute

The Extension Public Health AmeriCorps (E-PHAC) is seeking enthusiastic and caring individuals with a desire to improve public health and create positive community change in Ohio.

E-PHAC focuses on public health-oriented service projects in the state. Members work in teams, organized into hubs across the state. They engage community stakeholders, including youth, to determine a public health issue that impacts the community, address it and report the outcomes of the service project. This program is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and AmeriCorps, the federal agency for volunteering and national service.

Interested in serving or want to learn more? Contact Emilee Drerup ASAP at Drerup.23@osu.edu. Member orientation beings Sept. 1.