Graduate Associates & Fellows for Autumn 2023

We have reached the point where we need to begin assessing the needs for Graduate Associates and Fellows for Autumn Semester 2023.

Please communicate to CPH Central Administrative Support any GA that may be changing appointment types (GTA to GRA, GA to Student Associate, etc.) and any GA/Fellow that is graduating Summer Term and who needs to be terminated.

Appointment Dates for Autumn Semester GA/Fellows

August 16 – December 31


June 23: Inform CPH Central Administrative Support of your GA/Fellow needs and updates for Autumn Semester.

July 14: Graduate students need to apply to the job requisition in Workday.

August 2: Period Activity Pay transactions need entered into Workday for Autumn Semester stipends.

August 15: Terminations processed in Workday for any Summer GA/Fellow who is graduating or not continuing for Autumn Semester.

As you begin assessing these needs, please keep in mind:

• The College of Public Health now adheres to an increased monthly stipend of $2,535 for all Graduate Associates in a 50% FTE (20 hours/week).

• Students in a Fellowship may not hold any other appointment and may not perform work or receive payment outside of their Fellowship stipend. Fellowships are awards, not jobs, and the expectation is that they are not working while in this appointment.

• Students in a GA appointment may not hold a concurrent hourly appointment (i.e. Student Assistant or Student Associate).

• Students in a GA or Fellowship may not end their appointment prior to the designated end date without Graduate School approval. Without Graduate School approval, students will be required to reimburse the tuition/fee waiver for the full term.