LEND trainee applications now open

Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) program prepares leaders to improve the health of individuals with autism and developmental disabilities and their families.

LEND trainees participate in at least 300 hours of training to develop leadership skills in interdisciplinary practice, cultural and linguistic awareness and sensitivity, family centered care, and health equity.

Applicants to LEND should email the LEND faculty from their discipline and submit and letter of interest and resume by March 1st of the academic year. Family advocate and self-advocate applications are due by May 1st of the academic year.

To apply to the LEND Program, submit a letter of interest and resume Dr. Andy Wapner at wapner.1@osu.edu, the LEND faculty member for the College of Public Health.