Navigating uncertainty workshops for leaders and managers

The Ohio State Employees Assistance Program is offering two trainings for leaders and managers to address the challenges and uncertainties that exist in today's workplace.

May 20, 11:00 a.m. – noon

Leading Through Transitions: A Workshop for Managers and People Leaders

This session will host a conversation focused on strategies to lead during moments of ambiguity and build awareness of employees’ different responses to change and uncertainty in the workplace while fostering an honest, resilient, and cohesive environment for your team.

Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 235 498 440 077    Passcode: TcyAeE

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May 21, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

Coping with Uncertainty and Change in the Workplace: A Workshop for Employees

This session will host a conversation focused on how to navigate through times of uncertainty and ambiguity in the workplace while fostering an honest, resilient, and cohesive environment for yourself and your team.

Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 265 646 724 059    Passcode: rxhDN2

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