Several initiatives have been developed based on recommendations from graduate students, faculty and staff from across the university.
Health Insurance Subsidy:
The university will increase the health insurance subsidy provided to our graduate and professional students with fellowships, traineeships, or graduate associate appointments at the 0.5 FTE level from 85% to 100%, effective in fall 2023. In addition, the health insurance subsidy will increase from 0% to 50% for students with appointments between 0.25 and 0.49 FTE in the above positions.
Graduate Student Experience Survey:
The Graduate School has launched a Graduate Student Experience Survey to assess the experiences of graduate students in their academic programs, scholarly training, professionalization, and more. Data collected from the survey will inform academic leaders in their development of actionable goals to improve the graduate student experience at Ohio State.
Enhanced Emergency Fund:
The Graduate School will extend its support of the Student Emergency Fund for an additional five years.
Dissertation Completion Support:
The Graduate School will expand support of doctoral students in their dissertation phase with additional resources, including dissertation writing grants, fellowships, and writing facilitation programs, beginning in fall 2023.