Where: Virtual
The Center for Ethics and Human Values’ CARE (Conversations About Research Ethics) presents a virtual panel on the ethics of using public social media data for research.
The use of publicly available social media data promises to provide meaningful insights into a number of research programs, but the use of such data introduces pressing ethical questions. This panel will discuss whether this should be understood as human subject research, what governance structures are best equipped to support the responsible conduct of such research, and how researchers can negotiate potential privacy concerns and other risks associated with conducting research on these publicly available datasets.
Featuring Panelists:
Dr. Michael Zimmer (Professor of Computer Science & Director of Center for Data, Ethics, and Society; Marquette University)
Dr. Joseph Bayer (Professor of Communication, Ohio State University)
Dr. Jesse Fox (Professor of Communication and Director of the Virtual Environment, Communication Technology, and Online Research (VECTOR) Lab, Ohio State University)