Where: Weigel Hall
You are invited to a performance of “What We Learned While Alone: Global Voices Speak to the Pandemic,” a theatrical event that combines spoken word, music, movement, and digital dialogue to create an innovative interactive experience, culminating in a poem created with performers and audience that celebrates what we have learned from our loss, what we praise, and what we hope for the future.

The event will be held Friday, April 28 in Weigel Hall.
The 50-minute performance will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will be followed by a moderated panel discussion about COVID-19 and the upcoming expiration of the Federal Public Health Emergency. A boxed lunch will be provided.
Panelists include:
Amy Fairchild, dean of The Ohio State University College of Public Health. She is a historian who works at the intersection of history, public health ethics, and public health policy and politics. Her work helped establish public health ethics—which is concerned with the well-being of populations—as fundamentally distinct from either bioethics or human rights.
Dana Renga, dean of Arts and Humanities at The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences. Renga researches and teaches on Italian film and media studies, with a focus on television.
Ambre Emory-Maier, assistant professor of dance at Kent State University. She serves as movement director in the creation and performance of "What We Learned While Alone: Global Voices Speak to the Pandemic” and has worked in the dance field for more than 35 years.