Crystal Lewis

Public Health Law and Policy Analyst

Health Services Management and Policy

Crystal Lewis


1841 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210

Crystal graduated in 2019 with a JD/MPH but has several years of social justice and legal research experience; specifically legal epidemiology, policy surveillance, and transdisciplinary collaboration.

Crystal is currently co- teaching at the Moritz School of Law with Professor Ruqaiijah Yearby on Health Equity, Policy, and Advocacy. This class is a collaboration with the CDC’s Public Health Law Program and focused on health outcomes around discrimination in employment, specifically pregnancy discrimination. Other current projects include being a co-lead in the national Collaborative for Anti-racism and Equity (CARE), which encompasses continuing to track responses and declarations of racism as a public health crisis across the U.S. Two Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grants investigator awards - the first dealing with Housing Enforcement in the U.S. and the second around health and racial equity in healthcare and health policy in the U.S.