Where: Cunz Hall
Come build with us! To emphasize the extent to which housing is critically linked to health, the CPH is partnering with Habitat for Humanity MidOhio for National Public Health Week. Our community of CPH students, staff and faculty will together build a playhouse on April 4, right here at Cunz Hall, for a local family in need - providing children with a safe place to play and imagine what home means to them.
The College's sponsorship of the Playhouse also provides funds toward Habitat's mission of, building homes and empowering families here in Central Ohio. This event is co-sponsored by two CPH student organizations: the Public Health Graduate Student Association and the Multicultural Public Health Student Association.
Sign up to design, paint and build for a local child and family!
Contact Assistant Dean Jennifer Beard (beard.140@osu.edu) for any questions.